• Ivan Sipiran: Local Features for Shape Matching and Retrieval. PhD Thesis. [pdf]


  • Ivan Sipiran and Benjamin Bustos: Key-components: Detection of salient regions on 3D meshes. The Visual Computer Journal 29(12):1319-1332. Springer.[pdf][publisher site]
  • Ivan Sipiran and Benjamin Bustos: A fully hierarchical approach for finding correspondences in non-rigid shapes. Proc. 14th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'2013), pages 817-824. IEEE Computer Society.[pdf]
  • Ivan Sipiran, Benjamin Bustos, Tobias Schreck: Data-aware 3D Partitioning for Generic Shape Retrieval. Computer & Graphics 37(5):460-472. Elsevier. 2013 [pdf][publisher site]
  • Lian, Z., Godil, A., Bustos, B., Daoudi, M., Hermans, J., Kawamura, S., Kurita, Y., LavouĂ©, G., Van Nguyen, H., Ohbuchi, R., Ohkita, Y., Ohishi, Y., Porikli, F., Reuter, M., Sipiran, I., Smeets, D., Suetens, P., Tabia, H., Vandermeulen, D.: A comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval. Pattern Recognition, 46(1):449-461. [pdf][publisher site]
  • Sipiran, I., Meruane, R., Bustos, B., Schreck, T., Li, B., Lu, Y., Johan, H.: SHREC'13 Track: Large-Scale Partial Shape Retrieval Using Simulated Range Images. Proc. Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR'13), pages 81-88. Eurographics Association. 2013.[pdf]


  • Ivan Sipiran and Benjamin Bustos. Key-component detection on 3D meshes using local features. Proc. Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR'2012). Eurographics Association. 2012. [pdf]
  • Biasotti B., Bai X., Bustos B., Cerri A., Giorgi D., Li L., Mortara M., Sipiran I., Zhang S., Spagnuolo M. SHREC'12 Track: Stability on Abstract Shapes. Proc. Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval(3DOR'2012), Eurographics Association. 2012.[pdf]
  • Benjamin Bustos and Ivan Sipiran. 3D Shape Matching for Retrieval and Recognition. In 3D Imaging, Analysis, and Applications. Springer.[publisher site]


  • Ivan Sipiran. Local features for partial shape matching and retrieval. Proc. ACM Multimedia, 2011. Best Doctoral Symposium Paper Award.
  • Ivan Sipiran and Benjamin Bustos. Harris 3D: A robust extension of the Harris operator for interest point detection on 3D meshes. The Visual Computer, 27(11):963-976.[pdf][publisher site]
  • Boyer, E., Bronstein, Alexander M., Bronstein, Michael M., Bustos, Benjamin, Darom, T., Horaud, Radu, Hotz, I., Keller, Y., Keustermans, J., Kovnatsky, A., Litman, R., Reininghaus, J., Sipiran, Ivan, Smeets, D., Suetens, P., Vandermeulen, D., Zaharescu, Andrei, and Zobel, V.: SHREC 2011: robust feature detection and description benchmark, Proc. Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR'11), Eurographics Association, 2011. [pdf]
  • Boyer, E., Bronstein, Alexander M., Bronstein, Michael M., Bustos, Benjamin, Darom, T., Horaud, Radu, Hotz, I., Keller, Y., Keustermans, J., Kovnatsky, A., Litman, R., Reininghaus, J., Sipiran, Ivan, Smeets, D., Suetens, P., Vandermeulen, D., Zaharescu, Andrei, and Zobel, V.: SHREC 2011: robust feature detection and description benchmark, Technical report. [pdf]
  • Lian, Zhouhui, Godil, Afzal, Bustos, Benjamin, Daoudi, Mohamed, Hermans, J., Kawamura, Shun, Kurita, Y., Lavoue, G., Nguyen, H.V., Ohbuchi, Ryutarou, Ohishi, Y., Porikli, F., Reuter, Martin, Sipiran, Ivan, Smeets, D., Suetens, P., Tabia, H., and Vandermeulen, D.: SHREC'11 Track: Shape retrieval on Non-Rigid 3D Watertight Meshes, Proc. Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR'11), Eurographics Association, 2011. [pdf]


  • Ivan Sipiran and Benjamin Bustos. A robust 3D interest points detector based on Harris operator. Proc. Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR'10). [pdf]
  • Alexander Bronstein, Michael Bronstein, Benjamin Bustos, Umberto Castellani, Marco Crisani, Bianca Falcidieno, Leonidas Guibas, Iasonas Kokkinos, Vittorio Murino, Ivan Sipiran, Maks Ovsjanikov, Giuseppe Patane, Michuela Spagnuolo, Jian Sun. SHREC 2010: Robust feature detection and description benchmark. Proc. Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR'10). [pdf]


  • Anali Alfaro and Ivan Sipiran. Design of an algorithm for image segmentation applying the Mumford-Shah functional to improve the performance of classical segmentation algorithms. Undergraduate thesis, Computing School, National University of Trujillo. In Spanish. [pdf]


  • I School in Computer Science. Universidad Privada del Norte. Trujillo. Peru. 2009.
  • III Computer Science Week. Computing School. National University of Trujillo. Peru. 2008.
  • II Computer Science Week. Computing School. National University of Trujillo. Peru. 2007.
  • VI Peruvian Computing Week. Variational Segmentation of Digital Images. Peru. 2007.
  • I Computer Science Week. Computing School. National University of Trujillo. Peru. 2006.