According to ISI's Web of Science, on September 2004 there were about 1,200
citations to my work. According to CiteSeer in May 2005 (,
there were about 2,900 citations in Internet documents (which are in general
different from ISI's journal citations). A similar result is given by Google
Scholar which registers more than 4,000 citations to my work.
In May 2005 CiteSeer found more than 1,700
independent citations and ranked me among the 650 most cited authors in CS
from a universe of more than 760 thousand authors.
R.A. Baeza-Yates and P.V. Poblete.
Reduction of the transition matrix of a fringe analysis and its
application to the analysis of 2-3 trees.
In 5th International Conference of the Chilean Computer
Science Society, pages 56-82, Santiago, Chile, 1985.
- 1
R. Baeza-Yates, C. Galleguillos. Query Analysis for a
Chilean Web Search Engine (in Spanish), Chilean Computer
Week, Arica, Chile, November 2004.
- 2
M.C. Marcos, C. Ardila, R. Baeza-Yates.
Computer-Human Interaction Librarian Experience: Visualizing a Library
Catalog (poster in Spanish).
IX Catalan Congress on Documentation, Barcelona, Nov 2004.
- 3
R. Baeza-Yates, E. Davis. Web Page Ranking using Link
Attributes (in Spanish),
In CLEI 2004 (Latin American Conference on Informatics), Arequipa,
Peru, Sept 2004.
- 4
C. Ardila, M.C. Marcos, R. Baeza-Yates.
CHILE: A Prototype for a Visual Library Catalog (in Spanish).
J. Lorés, R. Navarro (editors). Interacción 2004: V Spanish Congress
on HCI, Lleida, May 2004, 258-264.
- 5
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Barbara Poblete, and Felipe Saint-Jean. Evolution of the
Chilean Web: 2000-2002 (In Spanish). In Proceedings XI Chilean Computer
Week, Chillan, Chile, November 2003.
- 6
Claudine Badue, Nivio Ziviani, Wagner Meira,
Berthier Ribeiro-Neto, and Ricardo Baeza-Yates.
Distributed Architecture for Information Retrieval.
In First Seminar on Advanced Research in Electronic
Business (EBR'2002), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2002.
- 7
Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Felipe Saint-Jean.
Analysis of Queries and Its Application to Rank Web Pages (in Spanish).
In Proceedings X Chilean Computer Week, Copiapo, Chile,
November 2002.
- 8
Luis Bastías, Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Josep Larriba-Pey. A Taxonomy for
Data Mining (in Spanish). In Proceedings IX Chilean Computer Week,
Punta Arenas, Chile, November 2001.
- 9
Gonzalo Navarro, Ricardo Baeza-Yates and João Marcelo Arcoverde.
Matchsimile: A Flexible Approximate
Matching Tool for Personal Names Searching. In Proceedings of SBBD'01,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, pages 228-242, October 2001.
- 10
R. Baeza-Yates and C. Castillo.
Characterizing the Chilean web (in Spanish).
In Chilean Computer Science Congress, Santiago, Chile, Nov
Available in
- 11
Virna Cuquejo, Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Gonzalo Navarro. Algorithms
and Data Structures for Searching Similar Objects
(in Spanish). In Proceedings VIII Encuentro Chileno
de Computación, Santiago, Chile, November 2000.
- 12
Baeza-Yates, R. and Soza-Pollman, H.
Optimal Bounded Disorder,
In XXVI Latinamerican Conference on Informatics,
Mexico City, September 2000 (in Spanish and published in CD-ROM).
- 13
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Miguel Nussbaum,
The Information Architect: The Missing Link? (in Spanish)
In Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Superior
en Computación, Ciudad de México, September 2000 (published in CD-ROM).
- 14
Ricardo Baeza-Yates,
An Integrated Course for the First Year (in Spanish),
In Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación Superior
en Computación, Ciudad de México, September 2000 (published in CD-ROM).
- 15
Edgar Chavez, Gonzalo Navarro, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, and J.L. Marroquin,
A Unified Model for Similarity Searching
In Encuentro Nacional de Computación, Pachuca, Mexico,
September 1999.
- 16
R. Baeza-Yates and Iván Rivera.
Experimental Analysis of Fixed Queries Trees.
In XXV Latinamerican Conference on Informatics,
volume 1, Asunción, Paraguay, August, 1999, 161-172
(In Spanish).
- 17
M. Marín and R. Baeza-Yates.
Parallel Priority Queues using Binary Tournaments.
In XXIV Latin American Conference on Informatics, CLEI'98, volume 2,
Quito, Ecuador, Oct. 1998, 1093-1102.
- 18
G. Navarro and R. Baeza-Yates.
A class of linear algorithms to process sets of segments.
In Rodrigo Cardoso, editor, Proceedings of the XXII Latin
American Conference on Informatics, CLEI'96, volume 2, pages 671-682,
Bógota, Colombia, June 1996.
- 19
R. Baeza-Yates.
A unified view of string matching algorithms.
In Rodrigo Cardoso, editor, Proceedings of the XXII Latin
American Conference on Informatics, CLEI'96, volume 1, pages 335-346,
Bógota, Colombia, June 1996.
- 20
G. Navarro and R. Baeza-Yates.
Expressive power of a new model for structured text databases.
In José Volkmer de Castilho, editor, Proceedings of the XXI
Latin American Conference on Informatics, CLEI'95, volume 2, pages
1151-1162, Canela, Brazil, 1995.
- 21
M. Marín and R. Baeza-Yates.
Performance of priority queues under a variant of the empirical hold
In José Volkmer de Castilho, editor, Proceedings of the XXI
Latin American Conference on Informatics, CLEI'95, volume 2, pages
1303-1315, Canela, Brazil, 1995.
- 22
M. Marín, R. Baeza-Yates, and P. Cordero.
Priority queue for simulation of many moving objects.
In XX Latinamerican Conference on Informatics, pages 21-30,
Ciudad de Mexico, September 1994.
(in Spanish).
- 23
R. Baeza-Yates and H. Soza-Pollman.
Analisys of Litwin's linear hashing.
In XX Latinamerican Conference on Informatics, pages 205-216,
Ciudad de Mexico, September 1994.
(in Spanish).
- 24
R. Baeza-Yates, E. Barbosa, and N. Ziviani.
Efficient text searching for read-only optical disks.
In 1993 Brazilian Congress of the Sociedade Brasileira de
Computacao, Florianopolis, September 1993.
- 25
R. Baeza-Yates and M. Tichy.
CIG: A class interface generator for C++.
In XVIII Latinamerican Conference on Informatics, pages
129-136, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, August 1992.
- 26
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
Evolution of the CS post-graduate program at the Univ. of Chile
(in Spanish).
In J. Alvarez, editor, First Ibero-American Congress on CS
Higher Education, pages 121-129, Santiago, October 1991. Chilean Computer
Science Society.
- 27
R. Baeza-Yates.
Another look at program visualization and algorithm animation.
In XVII Latinamerican Conference on Informatics, pages
409-418, Caracas, Venezuela, July 1991.
- 28
R.A. Baeza-Yates and W. Cunto.
Successfully competing with B-trees: Unbalanced multiway trees
improved by partial expansions.
In XIV Latinamerican Conference on Informatics, pages 3-20,
Asunción, Paraguay, September 1990.
- 29
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
On embedding a binary tree in a hypercube.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the
Chilean Computer Science Society and the 15th Latinamerican Conference in
Informatics (CLEI'89), Santiago, Chile, July 1989.
- 30
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
A simple implicit dictionary with polylog average time.
In CLEI'88, XIV Latinamerican Conference on Informatics,
pages 544-557, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sept 1988.
- 31
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
A dynamic storage allocation algorithm and its application to
In CLEI'87, XIII Latinamerican Conference on
Informatics, volume 2, pages 1122-1132, Bogota, Colombia, Nov 1987.
- 32
F. Libedinsky and R.A. Baeza-Yates.
Software tools for microcomputers.
In Proceedings of the 3rd Latinamerican Congress in Operations
Research and Systems Engineering CLAIO, Santiago, Chile, August 1986.
(in Spanish).
- 1
Ricardo Baeza-Yates.
Applications of Web Query Mining.
In European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR'05), D. Losada, J.
Fernández-Luna (editors),
Springer LNCS 3408, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, March 2005,
- 2
Ricardo Baeza-Yates. Challenges in the Interaction of Natural Language
Processing and Information Retrieval.
CICLING 2004, Springer LNAI, Seoul, Korea, February 2004.
- 3
Adelaida Delgado, Ricardo Baeza-Yates. XML Query Languages,
Upgrade 3(3), 2002.
- 4
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, José Miguel Piquer.
Agents, Crawlers and Web Retrieval,
Cooperative Information Agents (CIA) 2002, LNIA, Springer,
Madrid, September 2002.
- 5
R. Baeza-Yates, T. Jones, and G. Rawlins.
New Approaches to Information Management: Attribute-Centric Data Systems,
7th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval,
A Coruña, Spain, 27-29 September, 2000, IEEE Computer Science Press, 18-27.
- 6
R. Baeza-Yates.
Searching the Web: Challenges and partial solutions.
In Helder Coelho, editor, IBERAMIA'97, LNAI 1484, Lisboa,
Portugal, October 1998. Springer Verlag, 39-51.
- 7
R. Baeza-Yates and A. Benavides.
Multimedia in Chile.
In IFIP WG 9.4/5 Workshop: IT for Competitiveness,
Florianopolis, Brazil, Jun 1997.
Published in CD-ROM.
- 8
R. Baeza-Yates.
A unified view of string matching algorithms.
In Keith Jeffery, Jaroslav Král, and Miroslav Bartosek, editors,
SOFSEM'96: Theory and Practice of Informatics, volume 1175 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1-15, Milovy, Czech Republic,
November 1996. Springer Verlag.
- 9
R. Baeza-Yates, J.M. Piquer, E. Vera, Y. Inuoe, K. Wakabayashi, and
K. Hagishima.
AccessNova: ATM experiments in Chile.
In E. Pastor A. Azcorra, T. De Miguel and E. Vázquez, editors, Third Workshop on Protocols for Multimedia Systems (PROMS'96), pages
311-319, Madrid, Spain, October 1996.
- 10
R. Baeza-Yates, J.M. Piquer, E. Vera, E. Makino, and Y. Inuoe.
AccessNova: Broadband networks and multimedia services experiments in
In N. Terashima and E. Altman, editors, IFIP World Congress
1996: Advanced IT Tools, pages 106-113, Canberra, Australia, September
1996. Chapman and Hall.
- 11
R. Baeza-Yates, R. Gavaldá, and G. Navarro.
Bounding the expected length of longest common subsequences and forests.
In N. Ziviani, R. Baeza-Yates, and K. Guimarães, editors, Proc. of WSP'96, pages 1-15, Recife, Brazil, August 1996.
- 12
R. Baeza-Yates.
How to teach algorithms.
Invited paper in IV Iberoamerican
Congress on CS Higher Education, Canela, Brasil, 1995, 51-60.
- 13
R.A. Baeza-Yates and H. Von Borries.
Object orientation in Chile.
First Class, OMG Newsletter, 4(4):12/17, Dec 1994.
- 14
R. Baeza-Yates.
Space-time trade-offs in text retrieval.
In Proc. of First South American Workshop on String Processing,
pages 15-21, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, September 1993.
- 15
R. Baeza-Yates.
Applications of Markov chains to the analysis of algorithms.
In Panamerican Workshop in Applied and Computational
Mathematics, Caracas, Venezuela, January 1993.
(Invited talk).
- 16
R. Baeza-Yates.
Some new results on approximate string matching.
In Workshop on Data Structures, Dagstuhl, Germany, November
(Invited presentation).
- 17
R. Baeza-Yates and G.H. Gonnet.
Efficient text searching of regular expressions (summary).
In F. Dehne, J.-R. Sack, and N. Santoro, editors, Workshop in
Algorithms and Data Structures, pages 1-2, Ottawa, Canada, August 1989.
Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science 382.
- 1
Manuel Montes-y-Gómez, Alexander F. Gelbukh, Aurelio López-López, Ricardo A.
Baeza-Yates: Text mining using conceptual graphs (in Spanish).
Natural Language Processing (Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural)
27: 115-122 (2001).
- 2
R. Baeza-Yates and C. Castillo.
Relating Web characteristics.
Technical report, CS Dept., Univ. of Chile, Santiago, Chile, Dec
Available in
- 3
R. Baeza-Yates. Let's design everything again: Thoughts about computer
science and its teaching (Invited paper in Spanish),
Colombian Computer Journal 1(1): 2000. Revised version also published in
Novatica and summarized in Upgrade.
- 4
Omar Alonso and Ricardo Baeza-Yates.
A Software Architecture for Search and Results Visualization on Intranets
(in Spanish), Novatica 147: 14-21, 2000, and in Informatik (Switzerland).
Joint publication with Upgrade.
- 5
R.A. Baeza-Yates and G.H. Gonnet.
Solving matrix recurrences with applications.
Technical Report CS-89-16, Department of Computer Science, University
of Waterloo, May 1989.
- 6
R. Baeza-Yates.
On the average case of string matching algorithms.
Technical Report CS-87-66, Department of Computer Science, University
of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1987.
- 1
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
Efficient Text Searching.
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, May
Also as Research Report CS-89-17. More than 25
- 2
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
Portable graphical editor for three dimensional objects.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Electrical Enginnering, University of
Chile, Santiago, Chile, April 1986.
(in Spanish).
- 3
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
Analysis of algorithms in search trees.
Master's thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Chile,
Santiago, Chile, January 1985.
(in Spanish).
Teacher of the following courses (most recent first, although many
were taught more than once):
Design and Analysis of Algorithms,
Information Retrieval,
Advanced Data Structures,
Introduction to Computer Programming,
Vizualization Seminar,
Software Project,
Object Oriented Programming, Software Workshop on X-Windows,
Problem Solving Seminar,
Text Searching Seminar,
Computer Architecture, Software Project,
Data Structures, Automata Theory and Formal Languages,
Design and Construction of Compilers,
Information Systems, Programming Languages,
Introduction to Computer Graphics,
Numerical Algorithms, Digital Systems,
Operating Systems, and
Software Tools.
The courses on Computer Graphics (1985), Object Oriented Programming (1990),
Software Workshop on X-Windows (1991), Problem Solving Seminar (1993),
Visualization Seminar (1997), and Bioinformatics (2001)
were incorporated to
the computer engineering studies by myself, as well as the current
M.Sc. curricula while being the graduate coordinator.
- Castillo, Carlos. Effective Web Crawling, Ph.D. in Computer Science,
Univ. de Chile, November 2004.
- Chávez, Edgar. Similarity Searching on Metric Spaces, Ph.D. in Computer
Science, CIMAT, México, September 1999.
Co-supervised with José Luis Marroquín.
- Vegas, Jesús. An Information Retrieval System on Structure and Content,
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Univ. de Valladolid, Spain, May 1999.
Co-supervised with Pablo de la Fuente (in Spanish).
- Navarro, Gonzalo. Approximate Text Searching, Ph.D. in Computer Science,
Univ. de Chile, December 1998.
- Barbosa, Eduardo. Efficient Text Retrieval Methods for Secondary Memory,
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Univ. Fed. de Minas Gerais, Brazil, July 1995.
Co-supervised with Nivio Ziviani.
All of the are in Spanish:
- Poblete, Bárbara. A Query Mining Tool for the Design of the Content and
Structure of Web Sites, M.Sc. in Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, Chile,
November 2004.
- Acuña, Vicente. C-rewriting and Classification by Context, M.Sc. in
Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, Chile, November 2004. Co-supervised with
Alejandro Maass.
- Cuquejo, Virna. Data Structures and Algorithms to Search Similar Objects
in Metric Spaces, M.Sc. in Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, Chile,
November 2000. Co-supervised with Gonzalo Navarro.
- Alonso, Omar. A Model for Document Visualization in WWW, M.Sc. in Computer
Science, Univ. of Chile, Chile, December 1999.
- Mecoli, Claudio. DomainView: A User Interface Metaphor based on Domains,
M.Sc. in Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, Chile, December 1999.
- Beck, Héctor. The Problem of Minimum Cost Spanning 2-Tree and
Isolated Failure Inmune Networks, M.Sc. in Computer Science,
Univ. of Chile, Chile, December 1998.
- Barros, Alejandro. Change of Milenium: A Methodological Approach,
M.Sc. in Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, Chile, May 1998.
- Scheihing, Rodrigo. Study of some Combinatorial Problems in Strings,
M.Sc. in Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, Chile, August 1996.
- Hochsztain, Esther. A Database Approach via graph views in Persistent C++,
M.Sc. in Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, Chile, December 1995.
Co-supervised with Hermann Steffen (Univ. de la República, Uruguay).
- Valmadre, Gastón. Visual Debugging and Program Animation,
M.Sc. in Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, Chile, October 1995.
- Navarro, Gonzalo. A Query Language for Structure and Contents of Text
Databases, M.Sc. Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, April 1995.
Won the award to the best M.Sc. thesis in Latinamerica in 1996.
- Araya, Gladys. Evaluation of Tools for GUI Construction,
M.Sc. Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, 1994. Co-supervised with
Juan Alvarez.
- Soza, Héctor. Analysis of Linear Hashing, M.Sc. Computer Science, Univ. of Chile,
1993. Won the award to the best M.Sc. thesis in Latinamerica in 1994.
- Fuentes, Luis. A System for Animation of Text Algorithms,
M.Sc. Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, 1992.
- Marín, Mauricio. Design of a Specialized System for Event Driven Molecular
Dynamics, M.Sc. Computer Science, Univ. of Chile, 1992. Co-supervised with
Patricio Cordero.
All of them are in Spanish:
- Galleguillos, Carolina. Information Extraction from the Web: Identification
of Specific Content in a Non Structured Text,
Computer Engineering degree, Univ. of Chile, August 2005.
- Loira, Nicolás. Design and Implementation of a Combinatorial Algorithm to
Find Patterns in Electrophoresis Images,
Computer Engineering degree, Univ. of Chile, August 2005.
- Herskovic, Valeria. A Visual Query Language for XQuery,
Computer Engineering degree, Univ. of Chile, April 2005.
- Barrera, Cristián. Web Visualization of XML Documents using Fisheye Trees,
Computer Engineering degree, Univ. of Chile, April 2005.
- Paredes, Carla. Tool for Advertising in Search Engines based in Query
Analysis, Computer Engineering degree, Univ. of Chile, April 2005.
- Graves, Alvaro. Data Mining for Web Sites Oriented to Services,
Computer Engineering degree, Univ. of Chile, January 2005.
- Davis, Emilio. A New Web Search Model with Static Ranking,
Computer Engineering degree, Univ. of Chile, August 2003.
- Collado, Miguel Angel. Management of a Control Software Project,
Computer Engineering degree, Univ. of Chile, December 2002.
- Benoit, Nicole. Study of the relation between protein palindromy and their
structure and function, Biotechnology and Chemistry Engineering degree,
Univ. of Chile, Oct 2002.
- Saint-Jean, Felipe. Mining the Web with Applications to a Search Engine,
Computer Engineering degree, Univ. of Chile, May 2002.
- Castillo, Carlos. Characterizing the Chilean Web and Extensions to a Web
Search Engine, Computer Engineering degree, Univ. of Chile, October 2000.
- Vásquez, Mauricio. Integration of a Search Engine to a Web Application,
Computer Engineering degree, Univ. of Chile, November 1998.
- Quezada, Gastón. Design and Implementation of a C Preprocessor for
Program Animation, Computer Engineering
degree, Univ. of Chile, November 1995.
- De Saint-Pierre, D. Design and Implementation of a Workflow applied to
Electrical Distribution of Energy, Computer Engineering
degree, Univ. of Chile, 1994.
- Aguilar, W. Animation of Dynamic Data Structures, Computer Engineering
degree, Univ. of Chile, 1992.
- I am fluent in English and Spanish. I can understand and read Catalan and
Portuguese. I can read Italian and French.
- Editorial committee member of the following journals:
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (USA),
VLDB Journal (USA), Information Systems (USA),
Information and Management (Netherlands),
Journal of Web Engineering (USA),
Theoretical Informatics and Applications - RAIRO (France),
Information and Software Technology (Netherlands),
International Journal of Web Information Systems (UK),
Grammars (Spain),
Journal of Digital Management (South Korea),
Journal of the SBC (Brazil), First Monday (USA),
El Profesional de la Información (Spain),
Revista de la SCCC (Chile) and Revista Colombiana de Informática.
In the past I was
Chief Editor of the CLEI Electronic Journal at
(1998-2004), and also member of the editorial board of Information
Technology for Development (Netherlands), Computación y Sistemas (México) and Novática (Spain).
- General co-chair for the ACM Conference in Information Retrieval (SIGIR)
(Bahia, Brazil, 2005);
Program committee co-chair for the Mexican Computer Science Conference
(ENC 2004, Colima, Mexico, September 2004);
Program committee co-chair for the First Latinamerican Web Conference (LA-WEB,
Santiago, Chile, November 2003);
Program committee co-chair for the Combinatorial Pattern
Matching (CPM, Morelia, Mexico, June 2003);
Program committee chair for the Americas of the ACM Conference in
Information Retrieval (SIGIR, Tampere, Finland, Aug 2002);
Program committee co-chair of IFIP TCS'2002 (Montreal, Canada, Aug 2002);
Program committee chair of the XXI Int. Conf. of the Chilean
Computer Science Society (Punta Arenas, Chile, Nov 2001);
Program committee chair of the XVII Int. Conf. of the Chilean
Computer Science Society and the Fourth South American Workshop on String
Processing (Valparaíso, Chile, Nov 1997);
Co-chair of the program and organizing committee of LATIN'95,
Viña del Mar, April, 1995.
Program committee chair of the XIII Int. Conf. of the Chilean Computer
Science Society (La Serena, October 1993), and
the 1st South American Workshop on String
Processing (Belo Horizonte, Brasil, September 1993).
Organizing chairman of PROMSMmNet'97, Santiago, November 1997, and
XI International Conference of the Chilean
Computer Science Society, Santiago, October, 1991.
- Member of the steering committee of SPIRE, LA-WEB and LATIN.
Program Committee member of:
AMCIS'2006 (Acapulco, Mexico, 2006);
WWW'2006 (Edimburgh, UK, May 2006);
ALENEX'2006 (Florida, USA, Jan 2005);
COMAD'2005b (Hyderabad, India, Dec 2005);
AIRS'2005 (Jeju Island, South Korea, Oct 2005);
SCCC'2005 (Valdivia, Chile, Nov 2005);
SBC-BSB'2005 (Brazil, Oct 2005);
ECDL'2005 (Vienna, Austria, Sep 2005);
XSym'2005 (Trondheim, Norway, Aug 2005);
ICEIS'2005 (Miami, USA, May 2005);
ECIR'2005 (Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Mar 2005);
ACSC'2005 (Newcastle, Australia, Jan 2005);
LA-WEB'2004 (Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, Nov 2004);
AIRS'2004 (Beijing, China, Oct 2004);
SPIRE'2004 (Padova, Italy, Oct 2004);
ECDL'2004 (Bath, UK, Sep 2004);
WebDB'2004 (Paris, France, Jun 2004);
3rd Web Dynamics workshop (New York, USA, May 2004);
AWIC'2004 (Cancun, Mexico, May 2004);
ICEIS'2004 (Porto, Portugal, Apr 2004);
ECIR'2004 (Sunderland, England, Apr 2004);
Workshop on Database Technologies for Handling XML information on the Web
(Heraklion, Greece, Mar 2004);
SPIRE'2003 & SBBD'2003 (Manaus, Brazil, Oct 2003);
ECDL'2003 (Trondheim, Norway, Aug 2003);
CIA'2003 (Helsinki, Finland, Aug 2003);
SIGIR'2003 (Toronto, USA, Jul 2003);
WWW'2003 (Budapest, Hungary, May 2003);
1st Atlantic Conference on Web Mining Conference (Madrid, Spain, May 2003);
PAKDD 2003 Workshop on Knitting Web Linkages (Seoul, South Korea, May 2003)
ICEIS'2003 (Angers, France, Apr 2003);
HIS'2002 (Santiago, Chile, Dec 2002);
Information and Knowledge Sharing - IKS
(St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, Nov 2002);
Spanish Workshop on Digital Libraries (El Escorial, Spain, Nov 2002);
ECDL'2002 (Rome, Italy, Sep 2002);
SPIRE'2002 (Lisbon, Portugal, Sep 2002);
ICALP'2002 (Málaga, Spain, Jul 2002);
ICEIS'2002 (Ciudad Real, Spain, Apr 2002);
SIAM IWAP'2002 (Caracas, Venezuela, Jan 2002);
2nd Int. Conf. on Web Information Systems (Kyoto, Japan, Dec 2001);
6th On-line World Conference on Soft Computing in
Industrial Applications (WSC6), 2001;
SIGIR'2001 (New Orleans, USA, Sept 2001);
VLDB'2001 (Rome, Italy, Sept 2001);
CIA'2001 (Modena, Italy, Sept 2001);
ALCOM'2001 (San José, Costa Rica, May 2001);
ICDE'2001 (Heidelberg, Germany, Apr 2001);
WIIW (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Apr 2001);
CICLing'2001 (Mexico City, Mexico, Jan 2001);
FQAS'2000 (Warsaw, Poland, Oct 2000);
SBBD'2000 (Joao Pessoa, Brazil, Oct 2000);
SPIRE'2000 (A Coruña, Spain, Sept 2000);
IFIP TCS2000 (Tokyo, Japan, Aug 2000);
ACM SIGIR'2000 (Athens, Greece, Jul 2000);
EDBT'2000 (Konstanz, Germany, Mar 2000);
ICIS'99 (Charlotte, USA, Dec 1999);
SPIRE'99 (Cancun, Mexico, Sept 1999);
ISCA PDCS'99 (Fort Lauderdale, USA, Aug 1999);
ACM SIGIR'99 (San Francisco, USA, 1999);
ACM SIGMOD'99 (Philadelphia, USA, 1999);
ACM CIKM'98 (Baltimore, USA, Nov 1998);
6th Iberoamerican Congress on Higher CS Education (Quito, Ecuador, Oct. 1998);
SPIRE'98 (Sta. Cruz, Bolivia, Sept 1988);
ACM SIGIR'98 (Melbourne, Australia, Aug 98);
COCOON'98 (Taiwan, Aug 98);
VLDB'98 (New York, USA, Aug 1998);
Combinatorial Pattern Matching, CPM'98 (Rutgers, USA, Jul 1998);
4th IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems (L'Aquila, Italy, May 1998);
TINA'97 (Santiago, Chile, Nov 1997);
VLDB'97 (Aachen, Germany, Sept 1997);
26th JAIIO (Buenos Aires, Argentina, Aug 1997);
Combinatorial Pattern Matching, CPM'97 (Aarhus, Denmark, Jun 1997);
1st Int. Symp. on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, ISADS'97 (Berlin, Germany, Apr 1997);
IFIP WG 9.4 Information Technology for Competitiveness Conference (Florianopolis, Brazil, Jun 1997);
XVI Int. Conf. of the Chilean Computer Science Society (Valdivia, Chile, Nov 1996);
3rd Workshop on Protocols for Multimedia Systems, PROMS'96 (Madrid, Oct 1996);
4th European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA'96 (Barcelona, Sep 1996);
5th Iberoamerican Congress on Higher CS Education (México City, Sep. 1996);
Third South American Workshop on String Processing, WSP'96 (Recife, Aug 1997);
25th JAIIO (Buenos Aires, Aug 1996);
IFIP WG 3.4 IT in Management Conference (Melbourne, Australia, Jul 1996);
5th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, SWAT'96 (Reykjavik, Jul 1996);
XXII Latinamerican Conf. on Informatics, PANEL'96 (Bogota, Jun 1996);
Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures, WADS'95 (Kingston, Aug 1995);
Second South American Workshop on String Processing, WSP'95 (Valparaíso, Apr 1995);
VLDB'94 (Santiago, Sept 1994) (also in charge of the tutorial program);
21nd SEMISH (Caxambu, Brazil, Aug 1994);
23rd JAIIO (Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sept 1994);
XX Latin-American Conference (Mexico City, Sept 1994);
III Iberoamerican Congress on Higher CS Education (Concepción, Chile, Nov. 1994);
LATIN'92 (Sao Paulo, Brazil, Apr 1992); and XVIII
Latinamerican Conference on Informatics (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, Aug 1992).
- I have been referee for the following journals: Communications of
the ACM, Journal of the ACM,
IEEE Trans. on Computers, IEEE Trans. on Data and Knowledge
Engineering, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Journal of
Algorithms, BIT/Nordic Journal of
Computing, Algorithmica, ACM Computing Surveys,
ACM Trans. on Database Systems, VLDB Journal,
ACM Trans. on Information Systems, Information Systems,
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, SIAM Journal
on Computing, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications,
Journal on Combinatorial Theory (A), Information
and Computation, Information Processing Letters, VLDB Journal,
Artificial Intelligence, Random Structures & Algorithms,
Theoretical Computer Science, Software-Practice and Experience,
Combinatorics, Probability & Computing,
Parallel Computing,
Journal of Automata, Languages & Combinatorics,
Acta Informatica, and The Computer Journal.
I am also a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews, Butterworths, and
Information and Software Technology.
I have evaluated grant proposals for the National Science
Foundation (USA), NSERC (Canada), ISF (Israel), CONICYT (Chile), CNPq (Brazil),
GACR (Check Republic), RCN (Norway), CONICET (Argentina),
CONICYT (Uruguay), and Chilean/European Community projects.
I have also evaluated proposal for public biddings in Chile and
internal research projects of several Chilean universities,
as well as curricula proposed to the Higher Education Council of
Chile and the Council of Chilean Universities.
- Participation as external reviewer for Ph.D. theses at Univ. Paris 7,
Univ. Marné la Valleé (Paris), Univ. of Melbourne (Australia),
Univ. di Roma, Univ. Politécnica de Madrid, Univ. Politécnica
de Catalunya and Univ. Fed. de Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).
I have been external evaluator for hiring or promotion cases in Australia,
Brazil, Chile, Germany, Taiwan, and USA.
- Invited speaker or visiting professor at many institutions all around the
world, in
many of them more than once. For sake of conciseness, we do not give dates,
nor cities, only countries and institutions.
- Argentina: Univ. de Buenos Aires, UNICEN, Univ. Nac. de La Plata, Univ. Nac.
de San Luis, Univ. Nac. del Sur, Univ. Nac. de Rosario, Univ. Nac. de Santa
- Australia: Univ. of Sydney, Univ. of Queensland, Univ. of Melbourne, CSIRO
- Bolivia: Univ. Mayor de San Andrés, Univ. Mayor de San Simón, Univ.
Privada de Sta. Cruz, Univ. Nur
- Brazil: Fed. Univ. of Minas Gerais, Brazilian Physics Research Center, Univ.
de Campinas, Univ. de Sao Paulo, Fed. Univ. of Pernambuco, Fed. Univ. of
Mato Grosso do Sul, Univ. Fed. de Rio Grande do Sul, Catholic Univ. at Rio
de Janeiro and at Porto Alegre, Univ. Fed. de Bahia
- Canada: Univ. of Waterloo, Univ. of Western Ontario, Univ. of Toronto,
Univ. of British Columbia, Carleton University
- Chile: Catholic Univ. at Santiago,
Univ. Técnica Federico Santa María, Univ. Católica del
Norte, Univ. de Tarápaca, Univ. de La Frontera, Univ. del
Bío-Bío, Univ. de Magallanes, Univ. de La Serena, Univ. Austral,
Univ. de Concepción
- Check Republic: Check Academy of Sciences, Charles Univ.
- Colombia: Univ. de Los Andes, Univ. Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Univ. EAFIT,
Industrial Univ. of Santander
- Costa Rica: Inst. Tecnológico de Costa Rica
- Cuba: CENIAI, Univ. de La Habana
- Denmark: Univ. of Aarhus
- Equator: National Polytechnic Univ., Catholic Univ.
- France: INRIA-Rocquencourt, Univ. of Paris (Jussieau, Orsay, Nord),
Univ. Marné la Valleé, Univ. of Nancy
- Germany: European Consortium Research Center, Dagstuhl Research Center,
Technical Univ. of Berlin
- Italy: Fibonacci Institute, Univ. of Rome
- Japan: NTT Labs., Tokyo Institute of Technology
- México: Univ. Nacional Autónoma, Instituto Politécnico,
Tecnológico de Monterrey, CINVESTAV, CICESE, Univ. de Zacatecas,
Univ. de Querétaro, CIMAT, Univ. Michoacana
- New Zealand: Univ. of Canterbury, Massey University
- Paraguay: Univ. Nacional, Univ. Católica de Nuestra Señora de la
- Perú: Univ. de Lima, Univ. Antenor Orrego, ESAN, SISE, RCP, Univ. de
San Agustín, DATAPRO, Univ. Nac. del Altiplano
- South Korea: National University at Seoul, ETRI, ICU
- Spain: Polytechnic Univ. of Catalunya, Univ. de Valladolid, Fundesco/ATI,
Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Centro de Recerca Matemática,
Univ. Juan Carlos I, Univ. Carlos III, Univ. of Islas Baleares,
Univ. of Santiago de Compostela, Univ. of A Coruña,
Univ. Autónoma de Barcelona, Univ. de Barcelona, Univ. de Jaén,
Univ. of Alcala, Polytechnic Univ. of Madrid, Polytechnic Univ. of
Valencia, Univ. Rovira i Virgili, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, UNED,
Univ. Jaume I,
Inst. of Artificial Intelligence, Polytechnic Univ. of Las Palmas
- Sweden: Univ. of Lund
- Switzerland: Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH)
- Taiwan: Academia Sinica
- United Kingdom: Glasgow Univ., Queen Mary Univ., Microsoft Research
- United States: Stanford Univ., Indiana Univ. at Bloomington, National Institute of
Health, Univ. of Arizona, Texas Instruments Labs., IBM T.J. Watson & Almaden
Research Centers, Rensselaer Pol. Ins., Univ. of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez,
ORACLE, Hewlett-Packard, NASA Ames Research Center, Google, Stanford Linear
Accelerator Center, Microsoft Research, Univ. of Washington
- Uruguay: Univ. de la República
- Venezuela: Univ. Simón Bólivar, Univ. de Los Andes,
IBM Scientific Center, Univ. Central
- Several dissemination papers in Chilean magazines and monthly column in
Informática (Chilean magazine) from 1993.
Latin American news column in the Bulletin of the EATCS (1994-97).
- Interviews for TV, radio, or press in Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala,
England (CBC), Spain, Uruguay, etc.
- Member of the ACM, AMS, Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC), EATCS, IEEE
(Senior Member), and SIAM.
- My main interest areas for both,
teaching and research, are: information retrieval and Web applications,
data structures, design and analysis of algorithms, text and image databases,
visualization applied to CS.
- I love geography, science fiction, and chess. I like to practice tennis,
squash and football (soccer).
August 2005