Fondecyt project Nº 1181506-- Improving algorithms for the generation of polygonal and polyhedral meshes 2018-2021. Granted by Conicyt. Head of the project
Fondecyt project Nº 1120495 -- Improving the functionality and performance of meshing tools. 2012-2015. Granted by Conicyt. Head of the project
Fondecyt project Nº 1061227 -- "Mixed-element mesh generation for moving boundary applications". 2006-2009. Granted by Conicyt. Head of the projec)
Fondecyt project Nº 1030672 -- "Mesh generation algorithms for complex applications". 2003-2006. Granted by Conicyt. Head of the project
Fondecyt project Nº 1960735 -- "Mesh generation for complex geometries using a set of well-shaped elements". 1996-1999. Granted by Conicyt. Head of the project
Scientific and Technological Research Grants
Fondef Project ID16I10186--Geological resource evaluation in complex geometries. Director (01/2017--08/2018). Granted by Conicyt
Nº 14STIC-01 Dynamic selection of classifiers with application in real time environments. Head of the project: Luiz Oliveira, Brasil (2014--2015). Chilean head: Nancy Hitschfeld, French head: Laurent Heutte
Fondecyt project Nº 1120579. -- "Fast Computational Schemes for the Analysis of Morpho-Topological Data from High Throughput Microscopy". 2012-2015. Co-researcher
Fondecyt project Nº 1090246. -- "Partial differential equations for 3D photon de-noising, optical flow and adjacent active surface models for high throughput in vivo spinning disk microscopy". 2009-2012. Co-researcher
Fondecyt project Nº 1040713 -- "Lepp algorithms for parallel mesh refinement". 2004-2007. Granted by Conicyt. Co-researcher
Magic-Feat project -- "Meshes and global integration for semiconductor front-end simulation". 2000-2001. Switzerland. European community support. Invited researcher
Fondecyt project Nº 1981033 -- "Longest-edge algorithms for the derefinement of unstructured triangulations". 1998-2000. Granted by Conicyt. Co-researcher