Journal Papers
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, José Pino. Towards Formal Evaluation of Collaborative
Work and Its Application to Information Retrieval. Information
Research, to appear.
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Barbara Poblete. Dynamics of the Chilean Web structure.
Computer Networks 50:1464-1473, 2006.
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Carlos Castillo and Vicente López.
Characteristics of the Web of Spain. Cybermetrics 9 (1), 2005.
Lee Meisel, Beatriz Fonseca, Susana Gonzalez, Ricardo Baeza-Yates,
Veronica Cambiazo, Reinaldo Campos, Mauricio Gonzalez, Ariel
Orellana, Julio Retamales, and Herman Silva.
A Rapid and Efficient Method for Purifying High Quality Total RNA from
Peaches (Prunus persica) for Functional Genomics Analyses.
Biological Research 38:83-88, 2005.
Alexander Jaimes, Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, Rodrigo Verschae, Ricardo
Baeza-Yates, Carlos Castillo,
Dinko Yaksic, and Emilio Davis. On the Image Content of a Web Segment: Chile
as a Case Study, Journal of Web Engineering 3 (2), 153--168, 2004.
Ricardo Baeza-Yates. Information Retrieval in the Web: beyond current search
International Journal on Approximated Reasoning 34 (2-3), 97--104,
Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Joaquim Gabarró, and Xavier Messeguer. Fringe
of Synchronized Parallel Insertion Algorithms in 2-3 Trees.
Theoretical Computer Science A 299: 231--271, 2003.
G. Navarro, R. Baeza-Yates, and J.M.A. Arcoverde.
Matchsimile: A Flexible Approximate Matching Tool for Searching
Proper Names. Journal of the American Society of Information
Systems and Technology 54(1): 3-15, 2003.
Jayme Szwarcfiter, Gonzalo Navarro, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Joísa de S.
Oliveira, Walter Cunto and Nivio Ziviani.
Optimal Binary Search Trees with Costs Depending on the Access Paths.
Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) A 290(3):1799--1814, 2003.
R. Baeza-Yates and H. Soza-Pollman,
Optimal Bounded Disorder, Information Processing Letters 83(3),
151-157, 2002.
R. Baeza-Yates and G. Navarro.
XQL and Proximal Nodes, Journal of the American Society of Information
Systems and Technology, special issue on XML and Information Retrieval,
53(6): 504--514, 2002.
Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Gonzalo Navarro. New and Faster Filters for Multiple
Approximate String Matching.
Random Structures and Algorithms 20(1): 23-49, 2002.
Edgar Chávez, Gonzalo Navarro, Ricardo Baeza-Yates and José Luis
Proximity Searching in Metric Spaces. ACM Computing Surveys
33(3):273--321, 2001.
Gonzalo Navarro and Ricardo Baeza-Yates. Improving an Algorithm for
Approximate String Matching. Algorithmica 30(4):473-502, 2001.
Nivio Ziviani, Edleno de Moura, Gonzalo Navarro and Ricardo Baeza-Yates.
Compression: A Key for
Next-Generation Text Retrieval Systems. IEEE Computer 33(11):37-44
(cover feature), November 2000.
R. Baeza-Yates and G. Navarro.
New Models and Algorithms for Multidimensional
Approximate Pattern Matching. Journal of Discrete
Algorithms, 1(1), 21-49, 2000.
R. Baeza-Yates and G. Navarro.
A Hybrid Indexing Method for Approximate String Matching,
Journal of Discrete Algorithms (JDA) 1(1), 205-239, 2000.
Gonzalo Navarro, Edleno de Moura, Marden Neubert, Nivio Ziviani and
Ricardo Baeza-Yates. Adding Compression to Block
Addressing Inverted Indices.
Information Retrieval, 3(1): 49-77, 2000.
Edleno de Moura, Gonzalo Navarro, Nivio Ziviani and
Ricardo Baeza-Yates. Direct Pattern Matching on Compressed Text
Allowing Errors. ACM Transactions on Information
Systems (TOIS) 18(2):113-139, 2000.
G. Navarro, E. Barbosa, R. Baeza-Yates, W. Cunto, and N. Ziviani,
Binary Searching with Non-uniform Costs and Its Application
to Text Retrieval,
Algorithmica 27 (2000) 2, 145-169.
R. Baeza-Yates and G. Navarro,
Block Addressing Indices for Approximate Text
Journal of the American Society on Information Systems 51 (1),
69-82, Jan 2000.
R. Baeza-Yates and G. Gonnet.
Fast Text Searching for Regular Expressions or
Automaton Simulation over Tries.
Journal of ACM, 43(6) November 1996, 915-936.
R. Baeza-Yates and L. Fuentes.
Xaa: A Framework for Animating String Algorithms.
Information Processing Letters 59, 1996, 241-244.
R. Baeza-Yates.
An Extended Model for Full-Text Databases.
Journal of Brazilian CS Society 3 (2), 57-64, 1996.
R.A. Baeza-Yates, E. Barbosa, and N. Ziviani.
Hierarchies of indices for text searching.
Information Systems, 21:497-514, 1996.
R.A. Baeza-Yates and C.H. Perleberg.
Fast and practical approximate pattern matching.
Information Processing Letters, 59:21-27, 1996.
R. Baeza-Yates.
Bounded Disorder: The Effect of the Index.
Theoretical Computer Science, 128:21-38, 1996.
R. Baeza-Yates, D. Fuller, J. Pino, and S. Goodman.
Computing in Chile: The jaguar of the pacific rim?
Communications of the ACM, 38:23--28, September 1995.
R. Baeza-Yates and R. Schott.
Parallel searching in the plane.
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 5:143--154, 1995.
R.A. Baeza-Yates and P.V. Poblete.
Higher order analysis of 2-3 trees.
International Journal on Foundations of Computer Science,
6(1):1--10, 1995.
R. Baeza-Yates, D. Fuller, and J. Pino.
Information Technology landmarks in Chile: A survey.
Information Technology for Development, 6(1):25--31, 1995.
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
Fringe analysis revisited.
ACM Computing Surveys, 27:109--119, March 1995.
R.A. Baeza-Yates, J. Culberson, and G. Rawlins.
Searching in the plane.
Information and Computation, 106(2):234--252, Oct 1993.
Preliminary longer version titled ``Searching with Uncertainty'' was
presented at SWAT'88, Halmstad, Sweden, LNCS 318, 176-189.
P.S. Amerins, R.A. Baeza-Yates, and D. Wood.
On efficient entreeings.
Acta Informatica, 30(3):203--213, 1993.
R. Baeza-Yates and M. Régnier.
Fast two dimensional pattern matching.
Information Processing Letters, 45:51--57, 1993.
R.A. Baeza-Yates and W. Cunto.
Unbalanced multiway trees improved by partial expansions.
Acta Informatica, 29(5):443--460, 1992.
R. Baeza-Yates and G.H. Gonnet.
A new approach to text searching.
Communications of the ACM, 35:74--82, Oct 1992.
R. Baeza-Yates, G.H. Gonnet, and N. Ziviani.
Improved bounds for the expected behaviour of AVL trees.
BIT, 32(2):297--315, 1992.
R. Baeza-Yates and M. Régnier.
Average running time of the Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm.
Theoretical Computer Science, 92(1):19--31, January 1992.
R. Baeza-Yates, R. Casas, J. Diaz, and C. Martinez.
On the size of the intersection of binary trees.
SIAM J. on Computing, 21(1):24--32, 1992.
R. Baeza-Yates.
Height balance distribution of search trees.
Information Processing Letters, 39(6):317--324, 1991.
U. Manber and R. Baeza-Yates.
An algorithm for string matching with a sequence of don't cares.
Information Processing Letters, 37:133--136, February 1991.
R. Baeza-Yates.
Searching subsequences (note).
Theoretical Computer Science, 78:363--376, 1991.
G.H. Gonnet and R.A. Baeza-Yates.
An analysis of the Karp-Rabin string matching algorithm.
Information Processing Letters, 34:271--274, 1990.
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
A storage allocation algorithm suitable for file structures.
Information Systems, 15(5):515--521, 1990.
R.A. Baeza-Yates and P-Å. Larson.
Performance of B+-trees with partial expansions.
IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 1:248--257, June
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
Algorithms for string matching: A survey.
ACM SIGIR Forum, 23(3-4):34--58, 1989.
R. Baeza-Yates.
Improved string searching.
Software-Practice and Experience, 19(3):257--271, 1989.
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
A trivial algorithm whose analysis isn't: A continuation.
BIT, 29:88--113, 1989.
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
Modeling splits in file structures.
Acta Informatica, 26(4):349--362, 1989.
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
Expected behaviour of B+-trees under random insertions.
Acta Informatica, 26(5):439--472, 1989.
R.A. Baeza-Yates.
Some average measures in m-ary search trees.
Inf. Proc. Letters, 25:375--381, July 1987.
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