Role: User
It is the person who will use the software to be developed.
Primary Performs
Acceptance Test 1
Acceptance Test 2
Client/User Assisted Usage 1
Client/User Assisted Usage 2
Incidence Registration
Incidence Registration 1
Incidence Registration 2
Main User Requirements Identification
Prototype Validation
Software Requirement Validation
Additionally Performs
Definition of the Goal and Project Initial Scope
Identification of Problem and Problem Context
Identification of Stakeholders and Users
Recording of the Formal Technical Review Result of Requirements Presentation
Specification of the Logical Model of the Process to be Supported
User Requirements Elicitation
User Requirments Validation
Client Incidence Report
Notes from the Prototype Formal Review
Software Alpha Version
Software Beta Version
Software Requirements Document
Main Description
The User is the person who will use the software directly (the person that will sit down in front a computer and use the software directly) or indirectly (the person that only receives reports generated by the software).