It allows
- Define the variation points of the executing environment. Variation points are defined with a set of variables (V1, ..., Vn).
- Specify the variation of the executing environment. Each variable may either be set to a fixed value, or may iterate over a range of values.
Our objective is to gain a better understanding of a software execution by relating different profiles obtained from slightly different conditions. Next step, do a profiler!!!
Rizel-Builder classes
- RzBuilder
- RzInput
- RzResultSet
- Vector
Sample Code
|builder combs|
builder := RzBuilder new.
builder define:#input named:#x with: #(1 2).
builder define:#input named:#y with: #(3 4).
combs := OrderedCollection new.
builder execute: [ :x :y |
combs add: (OrderedCollection new add:x;add:y;yourself)].
self assert: (combs first asArray = #(1 3)).
self assert: (combs second asArray = #(1 4)).
self assert: (combs third asArray = #(2 3)).
self assert: (combs fourth asArray = #(2 4)).