Example 1
Below are a few lines of Pharo code to exercise multidimensional profiling with Rizel. The following script allows the performance of Rizel-Test-Scenario to be measured for 4 benchmarks over 5 demo versions.
The image on the left hand (Performance Comparison Matrix) shows the performance evolution of 4 benchmarks over 5 versions of Rizel-Test-Scenario. We can see that the performance of some of the benchmarks have decreased over the difference versions.
|versions benchmarks builder result|
builder := RzBuilder new.
versions := #( '1' '2' '3' '4' '5').
benchmarks := #( #benchmark1 #benchmark2 #benchmark3 #benchmark4).
"defining variables and execution context"
builder define: #input named: #version with: versions.
builder define: #input named: #benchmark with: benchmarks.
"automatic execution"
result := builder execute: [ :version :benchmark |
Gofer new
version: 'Rizel-Test-Scenario-JuanPabloSandovalAlcocer.',version;
[ self perform: benchmark ] timeToRun.].
"visualizing results"
RzVisualizer2D new
xValues: versions;
yValues: benchmarks;
value: [ :version :bench | result at: (RzVector <== version+bench)];
padding: 150;
Example 2
The following script allows the performance of Rizel-Test-Scenario to be measured for 1 benchmark over 5 demo versions.
The image on the left hand shows the performance degradation of the #benchmark1 of Rizel-Test-Scenario.
|versions benchmarks builder result|
builder := RzBuilder new.
versions := #( '1' '2' '3' '4' '5').
"defining variables and execution context"
builder define: #input named: #version with: versions.
"automatic execution"
result := builder execute: [ :version |
Gofer new
version: 'Rizel-Test-Scenario-JuanPabloSandovalAlcocer.',version;
[ self perform: #benchmark1 ] timeToRun.].
"visualizing results"
RzVisualizer1D new
values: (versions collect:[ :v | result at:(RzVector <== v)]);
Example 3
The following script merge two profiles to detect and visualize topological and weight differences between them.
The image on the left hand (Performance Evolution Blueprint) compares the profiles [ #benchmark1 ; version1 ] and [#benchmark ; version 4];
showing the methods that have had source code changes (boxes with red border) and the impact of such changes in the performance (red and large boxes)
|versions benchmarks A B rzProfile builder|
builder := RzBuilder new.
builder define: #input named: #version with: #('1' '4').
result := builder execute: [ :version |
Gofer new
version: 'Rizel-Test-Scenario-JuanPabloSandovalAlcocer.',version;
Smalltalk garbageCollect.
builder profile:[ self perform: #benchmark3 ] inPackagesMatching: 'Rizel-Test-Scenario'
"merge profiles"
rzProfile := RzProfile merge: (result at: #('1')) with: (result at: #('4')).
"display results"
(RzVisualizerMerge on: rzProfile) visualize.