![[Previous Chapter]](images/prevch_g.gif)
- 1-2 brother trees
- 1-2 neighbour trees
- 1-2 son trees
- 1-2 trees
- 2-3 brother trees
- 2-3 trees
- 2-3-4 trees
- 80%-2% rule
- accesses
- accessing books
- addition
- addition chain
- address region
- address-calculation sort
- addressing methods
- album d
- algorithm definition
- algorithm descriptions
- algorithm format
- algorithms code
- alignment problem
- alphabet size
- alternating selection
- alternation
- amortized worst case
- approximate matrix multiplication
- approximate string matching
- arbitrary precision approximating
- arctan(x)
- arithmetic algorithms
- arithmetic-geometric mean
- array indices
- array merging
- array of digits
- array Search
- array sorting
- asymptotic expansions
- asymptotic expansions of sums
containing e^-x^2
- asymptotic expansions of definite integrals containing e^-x^2
- asymptotic matrix multiplication
- asymptotic notation
- atomic operations
- automaton simulation
- average minimum accesses
- AVL trees
(Top of Index)
- B*-trees
- B+-trees
- B_k tree
- BBalpha trees
- B-Tree insertion
- B-tree variations
- B-trees
- balance of a node
- balanced binary trees
- balanced merge sort
- balanced multiway trees
- balanced nodes
- balanced Quicksort
- balanced trees
- balancing by internal path reduction
- balancing rules
- basic algorithms
- basic concepts
- basic operations
- basic operations multiplication/division
- basic sequential search
- basic sorting methods
- bibliographic databases
- biharmonic numbers
- binary addition
- binary decisions
- binary trees used as priority queues
- binary trie
- binomial queues
- bipartition search
- bisection search
- bit indexing
- bit inspections
- bit-map display
- blocking factor
- BNF productions
- boolean expressions order
- bottom-up construction
- bottom-up radix sort
- bounded balance trees
- bounded disorder
- Boyer-Moore text searching
- Bradford's law
- break
- Brent's algorithm
- Brent's hashing
- Brent-Salamin
- browsing text
- brute force search
- brute force text searching
- bubble sort
- bucket
- bucket address
- bucket binary tries
- bucket sort
- bucket tries
- buckets
- building procedures
- business applications
(Top of Index)
- C
- calculated entry search
- cascade merge sort
- cellar hashing
- centred search
- chain
- chaining hashing
- circular paths
- classical matrix multiplication
- clustering
- clustering free
- coalesced hashing
- coalesced hashing with cellar
- coalescing chains
- cocktail shaker sort
- collision
- collision resolution scheme
- commutativity products
- complete binary trees
- complex arithmetic
- complexity measures
- complexity of multiplication
- complexity of squaring
- composite keys
- composition
- composition of Quicksort
- compressed files
- compressed tries
- computed entry search
- computing pi
- computing inverses complexity
- computing logarithms
- conformation
- constraints for data objects
- contamination
- contamination hashing
- continuous growth
- control dictionary
- control function
- conventional data structures
- corpora
- counter heuristics
- cyclic structures
(Top of Index)
- d-prefix
- D-trees
- data processing
- data processing sorting
- data structure description
- data processing distribution
- database searching
- decimal operations
- decreasing probability order
- deletions in binary trees
- deletions hashing
- depth nodes
- depth trie
- derivatives
- descending factorials
- determinants
- deterministic finite automaton see DFA
- dichotomic search
- dictionaries
- sub external
- dictionary structures
- digit
- digital B-trees
- digital cardinality
- digital decomposition
- digital indexing
- digital search trees
- digital tree
- digital trie
- digitization
- digits
- diminishing increment sort
- direct chaining hashing
- directed acyclic subsequence graphsee DASG
- directed acyclic word graphsee DAWG
- directory
- sub hashing
- discrete rectangular distribution
- disk cylinder
- disk track
- dispersion phase
- distribution of authorship
- distribution phase
- distribution probability
- distributions derived from empirical observation
- distributions sort
- distributive partitioning
- divide and conquer
- division
- sub finite fields
- double-direction bubblesort
- double hashing
- double left rotation
- double right rotation
- double rotation
- double-ended
- double-ended priority queues
- doubly exponential forms
- dummy sequences
- dynamic hashing
- dynamic programming
- dynamic set sorting
- dynamic size hashing
- Dynamic trees
(Top of Index)
- editing cost
- empirical distributions
- end-of-stringsee EOS
- English
- entropy searching
- equations systems of
- error conditions
- estimated entry search
- Euler's constant
- Euler-Maclaurin summation formula
- exchange with parent
- expansions asymptotic
- expectation
- expected value
- exponent
- exponential function
- exponential integral
- exponential-type expansions
- extended precision
- extendible hashing
- external accesses
- external hashing
- sub using minimal internal storage
- external merge sorting
- external merging
- external path
- external Quicksort
- external searching
- external sorting
- extract maximum
(Top of Index)
- factorial function
- failure function
- false drops
- fast Fourier transform
- fast multiplication
- Fibonacci numbers
- finite state machine
- finite universe of keys
- first generalization of a Zipfian distribution
- first-come-first-served FCFS
- Floyd's heap-construction
- folklore distributions
- for loops
- forest
- format of simulation results
- format of tables
- found
- frequency of references
- frequency of words
- fringe reorganization
- full expansion
- full stability
(Top of Index)
- gamma function
- gamma-type expansions
- general trees
- generalized harmonic
- generating function
- go to table
- goto
- grammar for data objects
- graphics
- greedy trees
- growth at root B-trees
- growth continuous
(Top of Index)
- Hamming distance
- harmonic numbers
- hashed increments
- hashing
- hashing algorithms
- hashing function
- hashing methods for text searching
- hashing table
- hashing tries
- hashing value
- hashing memoryless
- HB[k] trees
- header
- heap
- Heapsort
- height balance
- height balancing
- height increase transformation
- height trees
- height-balanced trees
- heuristic organization
schemes on binary trees
- heuristics
- sub for known probabilities
- hierarchical balance
- hierarchical order
- homogeneous indexing
- horizontal pointers
- Horner's rule
- Hu-Tucker algorithm
- Huffman encoding
- Hwang and Lin merging
- hybrid algorithm
- hybrid methods of sorting
- hybrid Quicksort
- hybrid sorting
- hybrid tries
- hyperrules
(Top of Index)
- implementation of lists
- implementation of trees
- implementing lists in arrays
- implicit data structures
- in place sorting
- in-place merging
- increment sequences
- index and indexed sequential files
- index B-trees
- index file
- index point
- index sequential access methodsee ISAM}
- indexed file
- indices
- infix traversal
- input structure
- insert in decreasing probability order
- insertion order
- insertion sort
- inspect queue
- interchangeability
- interleaving
- internal path
- internal/external differences
- interpolation
- interpolation formula
- interpolation search
- interpolation sort
- interpolation-sequential search
- introduction
- inverse of a function
- inverse square distribution
- inverse trigonometric functions
- inversion
- inverted file
- inverted search
- iterative application
- iterative formula
- iterative powering
- iterative zero-finder
(Top of Index)
- jump search
(Top of Index)
- k-balancing
- k-clustering
- k-d tree
- k-dimensional trees
- k-height balanced
- k-prefix
- Karp-Rabin text searching
- KMP algorithm
- known probabilities heuristics
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt text searching
(Top of Index)
- language dictionaries
- last-come-first-served hashing
- LCFS hashing
- leaf-pages
- left single rotation
- leftist trees
- Legendre's identity
- length
- sub of longest probe sequence
- Levenshtein distance
- lexicographical order
- lexicographical trees
- linear combinations
- linear hashing
- linear insertion sort
- linear lists
- linear probing
- linear probing hashing
- linear probing sort
- linear search
- linked list
- sub search
- list merging
- lists
- sub search
- load factor
- logarithms
- longest common subsequencesee LCS
- longest probe sequence
- Lotka's distribution
- Lotka's law
- lower bounds selection
- lower-upper triangular factoring
(Top of Index)
- m-ary search trees
- main file
- matrix determinant
- matrix inversion
- matrix multiplication
- matrix partitioning
- maximum search
- maximum-minimum search
- mean-centred search
- median
- median selection
- median split
- median split trees
- memoryless
- merge
- merge sort
- mergeable priority queues
- merging
- merging pass
- merging phase
- meta-production
- minave
- minimal perfect hashing function
- minimal-comparison merging
- minimax
- minimum accesses
- minimum height trees
- minimum search
- mod
- mode of a set
- mode-centred search
- modular arithmetic
- move-to-front heuristic
- move-to-root
- multidimensional search
- multilevel indices
- multiple alignment problem
- multiple precision multiplication
- multiple-precision
- multiplication
- multiplicity
- multiway decisions
- multiway merging
- multiway trees
(Top of Index)
- naming of variables
- natural merge
- natural merge sort
- natural selection
- nearest neighbour search
- negative search
- Newton's iteration
- node inspections
- node splittings
- non-atomic keys
- non-recursive bucket sort
- normalization
- notfound
- number
- number of binary trees
- numbering systems
(Top of Index)
- on-line algorithm
- one-sided height balanced
- open-addressing
- optimal binary tree search
- optimal external hashing
- optimal hashing
- optimal merging
- optimal polynomial evaluation
- optimal polyphase merge
- optimal powering
- optimal sequential search
- optimality
- order relation
- ordered arrays
- ordered binary tree
- ordered hashing
- ordering rules
- organization
- organization of handbook
- oscillating merge sort
- OSHB trees
- other arithmetic functions
- other text searching problems
- output function
- overflow
- overflow area
- overflow records
- overflow techniques
(Top of Index)
- P-strings
- P-trees
- pagodas
- parameters
- parsed strings
- partial-match searching
- partially sorted
- partition methods
- partitioning matrices
- Pascal
- pass
- PAT tree
- path
- path trees
- path-balanced trees
- Patricia tree
- pattern matching
- pattern matching machine
- perfect binary trees
- perfect distribution
- perfect hashing
- perfectly balanced k-d trees
- permanents
- physical record
- planar coordinates
- Poisson distribution
- polynomial evaluation
- polynomial roots
- polyphase merge sort
- population of cities
- positive search
- postfix traversals
- powering a number
- practical hashing functions
- practical recommendations
- preconditioning
- prefix B-trees
- prefix search
- prefix traversals
- preprocessing text
- presortedness
- primality testing
- primary clustering
- primary key access
- primary key search
- prime table size
- priority queue
- priority queue order
- priority trees
- probabilistic algorithms
- probabilities
- probability distribution
- probability notation
- probability universe
- product commutativity
- product matrices
- programming languages
- prolix author
- proximity searching
- pseudo-random probing
- psi function
- punched cards
(Top of Index)
- quad trees
- quad tries
- quadratic convergence
- quadratic hashing
- Quickersort
- Quicksort
- Quicksort for lists
(Top of Index)
- radix sort
- random binary trees
- random heaps
- random probing
- random probing hashing
- random search trees
- random string
- random variables
- randomization
- randomly generated binary trees
- range search
- ranking
- read backwards
- real timings
- recommendations
- recursion
- recursion termination
- recursive matrix multiplication
- recursive structures search
- red-black trees
- rehashing
- reordering of arrays
- reorganization schemes
- reorganization
- repeated selection
- repetition
- replacement
- replacement selection
- reservoir
- resulting structure
- return
- Riemann zeta function
- right single rotation
- Robin Hood hashing
- roots of polynomials
- rotations
- sub in binary trees
- runs
(Top of Index)
- Samplesort
- sampling
- SBB trees
- scatter storage
- searching algorithms
- searching buckets with overflow
- searching longest common subsequences
- searching preprocessed text
- searching sets of strings
- searching text with automata
- secant method
- second generalization of a Zipfian distribution
- secondary clustering
- secondary key search
- selection Algorithms
- selection by sampling
- selection by sorting
- selection by tail recursion
- selection of kth element
- selection of the mode
- selection phase techniques
- selection sorting
- selector
- self-adjusting hashing
- self-organization
- self-organizing heuristics
- self-organizing search
- self-organizing sequential search
- sub move-to-front method
- sub transpose method
- semantic rules
- semi-infinite spiral
- semi-infinite string
- sentinel
- sentinel sorting
- separate chaining hashing
- separator
- sequence of reals
- sequence of scalars
- sequences
- sequential lists
- sequential order
- sequential processing
- sequential search
- series asymptotic
- shape heuristics
- shape parameter
- shared structures
- Shellsort
- shift-or text searching
- shortest common supersequence
- siftup
- sign
- signature
- signature encoding
- signature file
- simple exchange
- simulation results format
- single rotation
- sispiral
- sistring
- Smoothsort
- solution of simultaneous equations
- sorted array search
- sorted list
- sorted/unsorted lists
- sorting Algorithms
- sorting arrays
- sorting by distribution
- sorting other data structures
- splay trees
- splaying
- split transformation
- split-sequence hashing
- splitting elements Quicksort
- square matrices
- squaring complexity
- stable merging
- stable priority queues
- stable sorting
- stable tables
- standard matrix multiplication
- static object definition
- static tables
- static tree
- stop words
- storage utilization
- Strassen's matrix multiplication
- string matching with errors
- string matching with mismatches
- string searching
- string similarity searching
- strings
- subtraction
- suffix arrays
- suffix arrays and PAT arrays
- summary of direct text searching
- summation constant
- summation formulas
- summations
- sums containing descending factorials
- superimposed coding
- superimposition
- symmetric binary B-treessee SBB trees
- synonyms
- syntactic rules
- systems of equations
(Top of Index)
- tables format
- tail of distribution
- tail recursion
- tape searching
- techniques for sorting arrays
- test for equality
- testing algorithms
- text algorithms
- text editing
- text searching
- sub without preprocessing
- text-dominated databases
- third-order iteration
- threaded binary tree
- timings real
- top-down construction
- top-down radix sort
- tournament
- transcendental functions
- transition table
- transpose heuristic
- transpose heuristic trees
- tree searching
- tree traversals
- trees used for text searching
- Treesort
- tries
- tries for word-dictionaries
- trigonometric functions
- trilinear forms
- truncated Zipfian distribution
- two-dimensional search
- two-dimensional
- two-level grammar
(Top of Index)
- unary node
- uncertainty searching
- uniform probing hashing
- uniqueness
- universal class of hashing functions
- unsorted list
- unwinding recursion
- upper bounds selection
(Top of Index)
- Van Emde-Boas priority queues
- van Wijngaarden grammar
- var
- variable length keys
- variable names
- variable-length array implementations
- variable-length keys
- variable-length signatures
- variance
- vertical pointers
- virtual hashing
(Top of Index)
- w(x) function
- W-grammar
- weight balance
- weight-balanced trees
- Williams' insertion algorithm
- Winograd matrix multiplication
- with
- word dictionaries
- word number
- worst-case behaviour
- worst-case minimum accesses
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- zero-finder
- zeta function
- Zipf's law
- Zipfian distribution
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