bwtool allows you to perform some simple operations on brainwave files of different formats. Currently, bwtool supports:
bwtool recognizes the distinct formats by looking at the file extension.
Download windows binary and source code. bwtool should use ANSI-C. At least, I tried do code so ;-). The source code is documented using Doxygen formatting tags. If you have Dev-Cpp, then you can get into the code straightforward by clicking on the file.
Allows you to convert a given file type to another.
bwtool convert brainwaves.p2 brainwaves.p3
converts the P2 file brainwaves.p2 to the P3 file brainwaves.p3.
Allows you to select a brainwave sequence and dump it to another file.
bwtool select 0-10 20-21.5 brainwaves.p2 output.p2
Dumps the first 10 seconds and the interval between 20 and 21.5 seconds to output.p2, including all its channels.
Allows you to select some channels from the input file and dump them to an output file.
bwtool select-channel 1 2 10-12 brainwaves.bin output.bin
Dumps the channels 1,2,10,11 and 12 to output.bin.
Allows you to concatenate the content of several brainwave archives.
bwtool concat file1.bin file2.bin output.bin
Concatenates file1.bin and file2.bin, storing the result in output.bin.
Lets you merge brainwave archives into a single file by "stacking" the channels.
bwtool merge-channel file1.txt file2.txt output.txt
If file1.txt has n channels, and file2.txt m channels, then output.txt will have (n+m) channels, where the first n are those from the first file, and the last m from the second file.
Displays some useful data about a file.
bwtool display-data brainwaves.p3
Please send comments, suggestions, etc. to my email.
Pedro Ortega C.
Sept. 6, 2004