Task: Test Cases Development
In the test case development task the tester must enter test cases that will be used to detect errors in the developed system as a meas to validate that the software product conceived have interpreted correctly all the specified requirements.
Disciplines: Students
In the test case development task the tester must enter test cases that will be used to detect errors in the developed system as a meas to validate that the software product conceived have interpreted correctly all the specified requirements.
RolesPrimary Performer: Additional Performers:
    • None
      Main Description

      A test case should be associated with a user requirement or a software requirement and may be associated with various types of user indicating the people who should perform this test.

      Test case information:

      • ID: Unique code used to identify and formally refer to this test case in the project. It is automatically assigned incrementally using the "CPxxxx" format.
      • Name: Simple test case name.
      • Description: Here is described the procedure to evaluate the test case.
      • Acceptable Result: the minimum acceptable outcome to this test makes it successful is described.
      • Optimal Result: best describes expected result after testing.
      • State: The current compliance status of the test case, can be "Compliant", "Not Compliant" or "Ambiguous". The default when creating status is "Not Compliant".

      Create test cases
      Verify that all software requirements have at least one test case associated with