Jocelyn Simmonds I am an Associate Professor at the
University of Chile (Santiago, Chile). I am mainly interested in the
creation and application of automated reasoning techniques to a broad range of domains. In particular, I am interested in program analysis and
verification, object-oriented analysis and design, and model-driven engineering. My other interests include web and mobile development,
computer science education, and diversity, equity and inclusion in
Address: Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación,
Beauchef 851, Edificio Poniente,
Santiago, Chile
Office: BP-P-3-19
Email: jsimmond@dcc.uchile.cl
Phone: +56 2 2978 4876
Recent Publications
- Jocelyn Simmonds, Cecilia Bastarrica, Nancy Hitschfeld-Kahler, Pablo Villar Mascaró, Diego S.
Wistuba La Torre, Jo Muñoz Montenegro, Millaray Cárdenas: Re-thinking gender diversity and
inclusion initiatives for CS and SE in a university setting. Editors: D. Damian, K. Blincoe, D. Ford, A. Serebrenik, Z. Masood. Book: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Software Engineering: Best Practices and Insights. Apress,
to appear in 2023.
- Sebastian Alfaro, Alexandre Bergel, Jocelyn Simmonds: µPrintGen: Supporting Workflow Logs Analysis Through Visual Microprint. To appear in VISSOFT 2023, 2023.
- Jocelyn Simmonds, Constanza Diaz, Carlos Estay: Introducing Computational Thinking at Vocational High Schools. ITiCSE 2023, pg. 68-74, 2023.
- Cecilia Bastarrica, Jocelyn Simmonds: The effects of team gender composition in capstone software development projects. SCCC 2022, pg. 1-6, 2022.
- Jocelyn Simmonds, Francisco Gutierrez, Nancy Hitschfeld, Catalina Torrent, Cecilia Casanova, Sebastian Toro-Guajardo, Valentin Munoz: A Model for Infusing Computational Thinking Skills at Teacher Colleges in a Developing Country. In WiPSCE 2022 (Poster), pg. 1-2, 2022.
- Mabel Vidal, Jazmine Maldonado, Teresa Bracamonte, Florencia Miranda, Antonia Labarca, Jocelyn Simmonds: Niñas Pro: An Initiative to Educate, Inspire and Empower Women. Congress of Latin American Women in Computing. CEUR Publications. Pages: 35-46. 2021
- Jocelyn Simmonds, Cecilia Bastarrica, Nancy Hitschfeld: Impact of Affirmative Action on Female Computer Science/Software Engineering Undergraduate Enrollment. In IEEE Software, volume 38, number 2, pg. 32-37, 2021.
- Jocelyn Simmonds, Francisco Gutierrez, Federico Meza, Catalina Torrent, Jaime Villalobos: Changing Teacher Perceptions about Computational Thinking in Grades 1-6, through a National Training Program. In SIGCSE 2021: pg. 260-266, 2021.
- Carla Sepúlveda-Díaz, Elson Stuardo Rojas, Jocelyn Simmonds, Francisco Gutierrez, Nancy Hitschfeld, Cecilia Casanova, Cecilia Sotomayor: Lessons Learned From Introducing Preteens in Parent-Led Homeschooling to Computational Thinking. SIGCSE 2020: pg 65-71, 2020.
- Cecilia Bastarrica, Jocelyn Simmonds: Gender Differences in Self and Peer Assessment in a Software Engineering Capstone Course. GE@ICSE2019, 2019.
- Pablo Estefó, Jocelyn Simmonds, Romain Robbes, Johan Fabry: The Robot Operating System: Package reuse and community dynamics. Journal of Systems and Software, volume 151, pg 226-242, 2019.
- Jocelyn Simmonds, Francisco Gutierrez, Cecilia Casanova, Cecilia Sotomayor, Nancy Hitschfeld: A Teacher Workshop for Introducing Computational Thinking in Rural and Vulnerable Environments. SIGCSE
2019: pg 1143-1149, 2019.
- Maíra Marques, Jocelyn Simmonds, Pedro Rossel, Cecilia Bastarrica: Software product line evolution: A systematic literature review. Information and
Software Technology, volume 105, pg 190-208, 2019.
- Cecilia Bastarrica, Nancy Hitschfeld, Maíra Marques Samary, Jocelyn Simmonds: Affirmative action for attracting women to STEM in Chile. GE@ICSE2018: pg 45-48, 2018.
- Jocelyn Simmonds, Maíra Marques Samary, Milenko Tomic, Francisco Madrid,
Constanza Escobar: Software Engineering for Millennials, by Millennials. SEEM@ICSE2018: pg 72-79, 2018.
- Francisco Gutierrez, Jocelyn Simmonds, Cecilia Casanova, Cecilia Sotomayor,
Nancy Hitschfeld: Assessing Software Development Skills Among K-6 Learners in a Project-Based Workshop with
Scratch. ICSE (SEET) 2018: 98-107, 2018.
- Francisco Gutierrez, Jocelyn Simmonds, Cecilia Casanova, Cecilia Sotomayor,
Nancy Hitschfeld: Coding or Hacking? Exploring Inaccurate Views on Computing and Computer Scientists
among K-6 Learners in Chile. SIGCSE 2018: pg 993-998, 2018.
- Jérémy Barbay, Jocelyn Simmonds, Adriana Keiko Nishida,
Monael Pinheiro Ribeiro: "Teaching is Learning": Pedagogical material created and evaluated by students.
Frontiers in Education: pg 1-5, 2016.
- Fabian Rojas, Jocelyn Simmonds and Cecilia Bastarrica: The v-algorithm
for discovering software process lines. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 28(9): pg 783-799, 2016.
- Alexis Silva and Jocelyn Simmonds: BehaviorDroid: Monitoring Android
Applications. MOBILESoft 2016: pg 19-20, 2016.
- Diego Rivera, Sebastian Blasco, Javier Bustos-Jiménez and Jocelyn Simmonds: Spin lock killed the performance star.
SCCC 2015: pg 1-6, 2015.
- Jocelyn Simmonds, Daniel Perovich, Cecilia Bastarrica and Luis Silvestre: A Megamodel for Software Process Line Modeling and
Evolution. MODELS 2015: pg 406-415, 2015.
- Fabian Rojas, Jocelyn Simmonds and Cecilia Bastarrica: Software Process Line Discovery. ICSSP 2015: pg 127-136, 2015.
- Fabian Rojas, Cecilia Bastarrica and Jocelyn Simmonds: Software Process Line Discovery from (Noisy) Logs. REVASOFT 2014, 2014.
- Cecilia Bastarrica, Jocelyn Simmonds and Luis Silvestre: Using megamodeling to improve industrial adoption of complex MDE
solutions. MiSE 2014: pg 31-36, 2014.
- Marina Pilar, Jocelyn Simmonds and Hernán Astudillo: Semi-automated Tool Recommender for Software Development
Processes. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 302: pg 95-109, 2014.
Links to my Google Scholar and DBLP profiles. Back to top.
- 2023-2025. Fondo de Fomento al Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (Fondef IDeA), ANID, A model for including computational thinking and programming in teacher
training programs. Director: Jocelyn Simmonds
- 2019-2021. Convenio de Colaboración y Transferencia de Recursos entre el Ministerio de
Educación (Mineduc) y el Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación (DCC) de la Universidad de Chile. Estudio, seguimiento y
evaluación del Plan Nacional de Lenguajes Digitales (PNLD). Director: Jocelyn Simmonds
- 2016-2017. Programa de apoyo al entorno para el emprendimiento y la innovación (PAEI), Corfo,
Generación de un ecosistema de innovación sustentable a través de aprendizaje y servicio. Director: Jocelyn Simmonds, Sub-Director: Alejandra Avila
- 2014-2016. Fondo de Fomento al Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (Fondef IDeA), Conicyt, Gestión Experimental de la Mejora de Software (GEMS). Principal Investigator: Cecilia Bastarrica, Associated Researcher: Jocelyn Simmonds.
- 2015-2017. Fondo de Inserción Académica, Runtime Monitoring of Mobile Applications. Principal Investigator: Jocelyn Simmonds.
- 2011-2014. Fondo de Fomento al Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (Fondef), Conicyt, Adaptable Domain and Process
Technology Engineering (ADAPTE). Principal Investigator: Cecilia Bastarrica. Associated Researcher: Jocelyn Simmonds.
- 2011-2012. Dirección General de Investigación y Posgrado, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Análisis Dinámico de Aplicaciones Web. Principal Investigator: Jocelyn Simmonds.
- 2009. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) ACCELERATE award, Planning for Recovery from Webservice Failures. Principal Investigator: Marsha Chechik. Student: Jocelyn Simmonds.
- 2008. Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) ACCELERATE award, Automated Recovery from Webservice Failures, Principal Investigator: Marsha Chechik. Student: Jocelyn Simmonds.
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- Program Co-Chair, Research track, Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE '22)
- Regional Publicity Chair (South America), ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '20)
- Scholarships Co-Chair, Latin American Women in Technology (Latinity '19)
- Co-Chair, 10th Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (MiSE '18)
- Co-Chair, 8th International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD '17)
- Student Volunteers Co-Chair, 39th International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE '17)
- Tutorial Co-Chair, 20th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC '16)
- General Co-Chair, Latin American Women in Technology (LAtINiTY '15)
- Co-Organizer, III Encuentro de Mujeres en Computación (WSCCC '13)
- Chair, Workshops, Jornadas Chilenas de Computación (JCC '13)
- Regional Co-Organizer, Olimpiadas Chilenas de Informática (OCI '13)
- Co-Organizer, Lo Mejor de lo Nuestro (LMLN '12)
- Co-Organizer, II Encuentro de Mujeres en Computación (WSCCC '12)
- Co-Organizer, I Encuentro de Mujeres en Computación (WSCCC '11)
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Program Committees
- Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE '24) -- Research Track
- ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '23) -- Research Track
- International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '23) -- Software Engineering Education and Training Track
- ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages
and Systems (MODELS '21) -- Foundation Track
- ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '21) -- Research Track
- International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '21) -- Doctoral Symposium
- International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC '20) -- Doctoral Symposium
- ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '20) -- Research Track
- ACM/IEEE 22th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages
and Systems (MODELS '19) -- Foundation Track
- 41th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '19) -- Technical Track
- Workshop on Empirical Experiences of Software Reuse (WEESR '18)
- ACM/IEEE 21th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages
and Systems (MODELS '18) -- Foundation Track, Tools and Demos Track
- Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA
'18) -- Monitoring Large-Scale Software Systems (MoLS)
- 40th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '18) -- Research track, Doctoral Symposium
- ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '17) -- Foundation Program Committee
- Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC '17)
-- Software Engineering track
- 17th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE '17)
- 9th Workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (MiSE '17)
- 1st International Workshop on Monitoring in Large-scale Software Systems (MoLS '17)
- VIII Congreso de la Mujer Latinoamericana (LAWCC '16)
- 13th Workshop on Model Design, Verification and Validation Integrating Verification and Validation in MDE (MoDeVVa '16)
- ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '16) -- Doctoral Symposium, Posters
- Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC '16) -- Software Engineering track, Scholarships
- IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft '16) -- Doctoral Symposium
- ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '15)
- 12th Workshop on Model Design, Verification and Validation Integrating Verification and Validation in MDE (MoDeVVa '15)
- Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in
Computing (GHC '15) -- Poster track
- VII Congreso de la Mujer Latinoamericana (LAWCC '15)
- 3rd International Workshop on Software Development Lifecycle for Mobile (DeMobile '15)
- 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE '14)
- Encuentro de Tesistas, Jornadas Chilenas de Computación (JCC '14)
- Second International Workshop on Software Development Lifecycle for Mobile (DeMobile '14)
- VI Congreso de la Mujer Latinoamericana (LAWCC '14)
- International Workshop on Quality Assurance for Service-based applications (QASBA '13)
- 30th International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC '11)
- International Workshop on Quality Assurance for Service-based applications (QASBA '11)
Journal Reviewing
Reviewed articles for the following journals: IEEE Software, Transactions on Software Engineering, Journal of Software and Systems Modeling, Journal of Systems and Software, Computers and Education, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research.
- Member, ACM (2009 - present).
- Faculty Counselor, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas -- Universidad de Chile (2020 - 2022).
- Director, Internet Society Chile Chapter (2020 - 2022).
- Department Counselor, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación -- Universidad de Chile (2018 - 2020).
- Secretary, Sociedad Chilena de Ciencia de la Computación (2012 - 2016).
- Senior Member, Latinas in Computing.
- Member at large, Computer Science Graduate Student Benevolent Society -- University of Toronto (2009 - 2010).
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- CC1000: Herramientas Computacionales para Ingeniería y Ciencias
- CC1002: Introducción a la Programación
- CC3101: Matemáticas Discretas para la Computación
- CC4101: Lenguajes de Programación
- CC4401: Ingeniería de Software
- CC63I: Análisis y Diseño Orientado a Objetos
- CC63O: Técnicas de Prueba de Software
- CC66A: Programación Estadística
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- Alexandra Ibarra (master)
- Analía Bannura (master)
- Sebastian Alfaro (master)
- Santiago Rojas (undergrad)
- Andrea Park (undergrad)
- Cinthya Robles (undergrad)
- Melanie Marquez (undergrad)
- Valeria Leon (undergrad)
- Gustavo Varas. Undergraduate thesis: Sistema de diagnóstico asistido por inteligencia artificial, completed October 2023
- Cecilia Pilar. Undergraduate thesis: Herramienta de Planificación Semestral para Docentes, completed October 2023
- Valentina Pinto. Undergraduate thesis: Desarrollo y Adaptación de Sistema de Coevaluación de Equipos para Cursos de Trabajo Colaborativo, completed July 2023
- Rupali Lopez. Undergraduate thesis: Planificador de malla curricular alternativa para estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de
Chile, completed May 2023
- Pablo Estefo. PhD thesis: Socio-Technical Analysis Of The Robot Operating System Ecosystem For Fostering Participation In Knowledge Sharing Activities, completed May 2023
- Martin Araya. Undergraduate thesis: Diseño e Implementación de un sistema para recopilar apuntes de manera asíncrona en U-Cursos, completed March 2023
- Sebastian Cisneros. Undergraduate thesis: Plataforma para la Organización y Gestión de Eventos Deportivos Estudiantiles Masivos, completed November 2022
- Matias Ramirez. Undergraduate thesis: Visualización y análisis del tráfico de Santiago, completed October 2022
- Catalina Vilches. Undergraduate thesis: Plataforma para crear y administrar una tienda virtual, completed October 2022
- Camilo Salazar. Masters thesis: Implementación del Proceso de Transformación Digital en una Mutuaria, completed September 2022
- Marcelo Becerra. Undergraduate thesis: Mejora en de Bot de Telegram, para servicio de Mesa de Ayuda, completed June 2022
- Roberto Tapia. Undergraduate thesis: Implementación de una herramienta de apoyo a la toma de decisiones en instituciones de educación superior en base a la información curricular de Ucampus, completed May 2022
- Camila Quilape. Undergraduate thesis: Reestructuración y desarrollo del sistema de gestión de becas y trabajos para Latinity, completed April 2022
- Daniel Galvez. Undergraduate thesis: Personalización de Flujos de Trabajo de una Aplicación Web, mediante el Uso de BPM, completed October 2021
- Daniela Chacon. Undergraduate thesis: NUTRIFIT: Plataforma de Administración de Pautas Nutricionales Incorporado con Rutinas de Ejercicio, completed May 2021
- Joaquin Romero. Undergraduate thesis: Gestor de archivos GTFS para TranSapp, completed May 2021
- Maria Jose Berger. Undergraduate thesis: Herramienta para análisis de programas desarrollados en Scratch, completed May 2021
- Carolina Contreras. Undergraduate thesis: Desarrollo y perfeccionamiento de sistema de coevaluación de equipos para cursos del DCC, completed May 2021
- Pablo Arancibia. Undergraduate thesis: Creación de sistema interactivo de información para mejorar procesos de titulación en el DCC, completed April 2021
- Jorge Lobos. Undergraduate thesis: Implementación de sistema de validación y reporte para el registro de entregas de raciones PAE de JUNAEB, completed January 2021
- Javier Salamanca. Undergraduate thesis: Desarrollo de sistema que apoya en la supervisión clínica y acreditación de los prestadores institucionales de salud, completed November 2020
- Florencia Miranda. Undergraduate thesis: Herramienta para mejorar retención de alumnas en taller de programación de la organización Niñas PRO, completed November 2020
- Ángela Cortés. Masters thesis: Automatización de pruebas de regresión para reducción de tiempo de entrega de nuevas versiones de software, completed August 2020
- Pablo Miranda. Undergraduate thesis: Sistema de alerta preventiva y CRM para Inmobiliaria Magal, completed June 2020
- Cristóbal Sepúlveda. Undergraduate thesis: Mejora de Asignación de Salas en Ucampus, completed May 2020
- Lucas Puebla. Undergraduate thesis: Gestión y automatización del proceso de cambio del cuerpo de contenido de LeanSight, completed October 2019
- Diego Baño. Undergraduate thesis: Sistema de alerta temprana para alumnos de ingeniería de la Universidad de Chile en riesgo de reprobar un ramo, completed October 2019
- Javier Espinoza. Undergraduate thesis: Gestor de Información sobre Enseñanza de la Ingeniería de Software, completed October 2019
- Pablo Gómez. Undergraduate thesis: Diseño y desarrollo de un sistema de gestión para clínicas veterinarias, completed June 2019
- Romina Romero. Undergraduate thesis: Sistema de gestión de transporte de carga, completed June 2019
- Alejandra Aravena. Masters thesis: Recopilación y visualización de denuncias enfocadas a derechos de inmigrantes para apoyar su inclusión en Chile, completed May 2019
- Benjamin Rodriguez. Undergraduate thesis: Sistema de gestión de patrocinio institucional para académicos, completed May 2019
- Braulio Lopez. Undergraduate thesis: Sistema de recomendación de expertos para ROS Answers, completed April 2019
- Matías Pavez. Undergraduate thesis: Diseño e implementación de memoria de largo plazo para robots de servicio, completed December 2018
- Jaime Capponi. Undergraduate thesis: Diseño e implementación de aplicación móvil de la plataforma Cryptomarket, completed December 2018
- Constanza Escobar. Undergraduate thesis: Sistema de generación automática de heatmaps sobre datos geolocalizados, completed August 2018
- David Legaria. Masters thesis: Implementación de proceso organizacional de gestión de proyectos en DevelopIT, completed June 2018
- Cristian Rivera. Masters thesis: Automatización de pruebas de regresión, completed May 2018
- Agustín Antoine. Undergraduate thesis: Caso práctico de incorporación de técnicas de gamificación en aplicación móvil, TraSapp, completed April 2018
- Elisa Kauffmann. Undergraduate thesis: Análisis y visualización de árboles de procesos configurables, completed March 2018
- Manuel Castillo. Masters thesis: Diseño e Implementación de Estrategia de Seguridad mediante Polĩticas de Autentificación y Autorización para Empresa de Seguros, completed January 2018
- Celeste Bertin. Undergraduate thesis: Mejora de un sistema de prevención de colisiones de vehiculo aéreo no tripulado en espacios cerrados, completed January 2018.
- Michelle Álvarez. Masters thesis: Propuesta de Mejora al Proceso de Reutilización de Casos de Pruebas, completed November 2017.
- Matías Rodríguez. Undergraduate thesis: Estudio de la Efectividad de una Aplicación Web Diseñada con Principios de Ludificación para Modificar las Decisiones de Consumo de Carne hacia Decisiones más Sostenibles, completed October 2017.
- Yasett Acurana. Masters thesis: Mapeo de ejemplos de código fuente para dar apoyo en el uso de APIs, completed July 2017.
- Milenko Tomic. Undergraduate thesis: Sistema de administración de prácticas profesionales para el ADI, completed March 2017.
- Sebastian Tobar. Undergraduate thesis: Mejoramiento de la mantenibilidad y extension de una herramienta de generación de mallas volumétricas, completed April 2016.
- Alexis Silva. Undergraduate thesis: Framework de Monitoreo para Dispositivos Android, completed November 2015.
- Carlos Olmedo. Undergraduate thesis: Desarrollo de un Software para Liquidación de Siniestros Vehiculares, completed October 2014.
- Jaime Vargas. Undergraduate thesis: Framework MVC para aplicaciones a medida, completed July 2014.
- Consuelo Provoste. Undergraduate thesis: Desarrollo de Framework de audio aplicado a la Tecnología Brainwave Entrainment, completed June 2014.
- Javier Aravena. Undergraduate thesis: Desarrollo de un framework para el monitoreo de laboratorios, completed November 2013.
- Lianet Munder. Undergraduate thesis: Comparación entre testing manual y en alta automatización, completed November 2013.
- Asdrubal Veloz. Undergraduate thesis: Análisis comparativo entre aplicaciones móviles Web y aplicaciones móviles nativas, completed September 2013.
- Carlos Cavieres. Undergraduate thesis: Evaluación de métodos de generación de invariantes sobre estructuras de datos, completed January 2013.
- Claudio Álvarez. Undergraduate thesis: Propuesta de herramienta Olap para el análisis de datos en tecnologías móviles, completed January 2013.
- Sebastian Vásquez. Undergraduate thesis: Diseño e implementación de un framework para el análisis de comportamientos de aplicaciones en sistemas Android, completed January 2013.
- Paola Yunis. Undergraduate thesis: Benchmark para herramientas de black-box testing, completed December 2012.
- Marina Pilar. Masters thesis: Técnica de recomendación de herramientas de testing usando dominio y técnicas Multicriteria Decision-Making (MCDM), completed November 2012.
- Ian Murray. Undergraduate thesis: Switch IDE, completed November 2012.
Group projects
- Juan Avalo, Celeste Bertin, Rocio Fernandez, Rodrigo Frias. Software development project: VIPeR: mascota virtual controlada por smartphone, completed January 2013.
- Alex Arenas, Cristopher Arenas, Esteban Daines, Roberto Diaz, Maria Jose Rebolledo. Software development project: PandaPoll: sistema interactivo de encuestas para la sala de clases, completed December 2012.
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- 2023. Mejor Docente de Pregrado. Universidad de Chile.
- 2018. Mejor Docente de Pregrado. Universidad de Chile.
- 2017. Profesor Destacado 2017. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Chile.
- 2017. Premio InspiraTEC - Categoría Profesional. Subsecretaría de
Economía y Empresas de Menor Tamaño, Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Turismo de Chile.
- 2015. 100 Líderes Jóvenes de Chile. Revista El Sabado, El Mercurio.
- 2013. Premio de Excelencia en Docencia de Pregrado -- Maestro de Excelencia. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.
- 2013. Anita Borg Institute Faculty scholarship. Registration for the 2013 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.
- 2012. Premio de Excelencia en Docencia de Pregrado -- Maestro de Excelencia. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.
- 2010. Thesis Completion Grant, School of Graduate Studies, University of Toronto.
- 2010. Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award. In appreciation of outstanding voluntary service while a student at the University of Toronto.
- 2008. Google Canada Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship. Finalist, received $1.000 scholarship.
- 2007. Goldman Sachs Technology Educating Latina Leaders Ahora (ELLA) Scholarship. Hotel, registration, travel for the 2007 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.
- 2007. IBM Centers for Advanced Studies Fellowship. Internship stipend.
- 2005. University of Toronto Fellowship. Tuition and living expenses.
- 2002. European Master in Object-, Component-, Aspect-, Oriented Software Engineering Technologies Fellowship. Tuition and living expenses.
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