05/20/96 Count of Prefixes by Network at mae-east NAP

The Routing Arbiter Project - A Merit/ISI Collaboration
With Subcontracts to Cisco Systems and the U-M ROC

ANS                   2457    
Advantis              104     
Alternet              5343    
BBNPlanet             2253    
CAIS                  362     
CWInet                94      
Compuserve            102     
DIGEX                 106     
DRAnet                20      
DXnet                 9       
Delphi                7       
ESnet                 421     
EUnet                 1218    
EuroNet               2       
GRIDNET               5       
HLCnet                11      
INAP.net              145     
INSnet                36      
IOSnet                21      
IconNet               5       
Interpath             76      
MAINet                10      
MCI                   11346   
Nacamar               14      
NetAxs                19      
Netcom                391     
Netrail               3       
PIPEX                 304     
PRIMENET              37      
SPRINT                15174   
Supernet              2       
Suranet               441     
ThePlanet             1       
USCyber               88      
Voicenet              21      

32863        Total Routes
1203         Total AS's seen

[Merit | RoutingArbiter]