We first describe a framework including almost all recent results on colored range listing and document listing, which suggests new combinations of data structures for these problems. For example, we give the first compressed data structure (using nH_k(S)+o(n log s) bits, for any k=o(log_s n), where H_k(S) is the k-th order empirical entropy of S and s the number of different colors in S) that answers colored range listing queries in constant time per returned result. We also give an efficient data structure for document listing whose size is bounded in terms of the k-th order entropy of the library of documents. We then show how (approximate) colored top-k queries can be reduced to (approximate) range-mode queries on subsequences, yielding the first efficient data structure for this problem. Finally, we show how modified wavelet trees can support colored range counting using n H_0(S) + O(n) + o(n H_0(S)) bits, and answer queries in O(log l) time. As far as we know, this is the first data structure in which the query time depends only on l and not on n. We also show how our data structure can be made dynamic.