Maximum-Weight Planar Boxes in O(n^2) Time (and Better)

Jérémy Barbay, Timothy Chan, Gonzalo Navarro, and Pablo Pérez-Lantero

Given a set P of n points in R^d, where each point p of P is associated with a weight w(p) (positive or negative), the Maximum-Weight Box problem is to find an axis-aligned box B maximizing sum { w(p), p in intersection(B,P) }. We describe algorithms for this problem in two dimensions that run in the worst case in O(n^2) time, and much less on more specific classes of instances. In particular, these results imply similar ones for the Maximum Bichromatic Discrepancy Box problem. These improve by a factor of Theta(lg n) on the previously known worst-case complexity for these problems, O(n^2 lg n) [Cortŕs et al., J. Alg., 2009; Dobkin et al., J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 1996]. Although the O(n^2) result can be deduced from new results on Klee's Measure problem [Chan, Proc. FOCS 2013], it is a more direct and simplified (non-trivial) solution. We exploit the connection with Klee's Measure problem to further show that (1) the Maximum-Weight Box problem can be solved in O(n^d) time for any constant d ≥ 2; (2) if the weights are integers bounded by O(1) in absolute values, or weights are +1 and -∞ (as in the Maximum Bichromatic Discrepancy Box problem), the Maximum-Weight Box problem can be solved in O((n^d / lg^d n)(lg lg n) O(1)) time; (3) it is unlikely that the Maximum-Weight Box problem can be solved in less than n^(d/2) time (ignoring logarithmic factors) with current knowledge about Klee's Measure problem.