Adaptive Techniques to find Optimal Planar Boxes.
Jérémy Barbay, Gonzalo Navarro, and Pablo Pérez-Lantero
Given a set P of n planar points, two axes and a real-valued
score function f() on subsets of P, the Optimal Planar Box
Problem consists in finding a box (i.e., axis-aligned rectangle) H
maximizing f(H intersection P).
We consider the case where f() is monotone decomposable,
i.e., there exists a composition function g() monotone in its two
arguments such that f(A)=g(f(A1), f(A2)) for every subset
A subset-or-equal P and every partition {A1,A2} of A.
In this context we propose a solution for the Optimal Planar
Box Problem which performs in the worst case O(n^2 lg n) score
compositions and coordinate comparisons, and much less on other
classes of instances defined by various measures of difficulty.
A side result of its own interest is a fully dynamic MCS
Splay tree data structure supporting insertions and deletions
with the dynamic finger property, improving upon previous
results [Cortés et al., J.Alg. 2009].