6 Inheritance
In the presence of classes, we may want a mechanism similar to Delegation in order to be able to reuse and selectively refine existing classes. We therefore extend our object system with support for class inheritance. As we will see, many issues have to be dealt with. As usual, we will proceed step-by-step.
6.1 Class Hierarchy
What are the respective benefits and drawbacks of these different approaches to inheritance? What about other reuse and composition mechanisms such as Scala’s traits?
As a result, classes are organized in a hierarchy. The superclasses of a class (transitively) are called its ancestors; dually, the set of transitive subclasses of a class are called its descendants.
6.2 Method Lookup
When we send a message to an object, we look in its class for a method that implements the message, and then we apply it. The lookup part is defined in our CLASS macro definition as:
['-lookup (let ([found (assoc (first args) methods)]) (if found (cdr found) (error "message not understood:" (first args))))]
(define Root (λ (msg . args) (match msg ['-lookup (error "message not understood:" (first args))])))
Why is let-binding the superclass necessary?
(defmac (CLASS extends scls-expr ([field fname fval] ...) ([method mname (mparam ...) mbody ...] ...)) #:keywords field method extends #:captures self ? ! (let ([scls scls-expr] [methods (local [(defmac (? fd) #:captures self (dict-ref (obj-values self) 'fd)) (defmac (! fd v) #:captures self (dict-set! (obj-values self) 'fd v))] (list (cons 'mname (λ (self mparam ...) mbody ...)) ...))]) (letrec ([class (λ (msg . args) (match msg ['-create (obj class (make-hash (list (cons 'fname fval) ...)))] ['-lookup (let ([found (assoc (first args) methods)]) (if found (cdr found) (scls '-lookup (first args))))]))]) class)))
Let us see an example of class inheritance at work, first with a very simple example:
(define A (CLASS extends Root () ([method foo () "foo"] [method bar () "bar"]))) (define B (CLASS extends A () ([method bar () "B bar"])))
> (define b (new B)) > (→ b foo) "foo"
> (→ b bar) "B bar"
This looks just fine: sending a message that is unknown in B works as expected, and sending bar also results in B’s refinement to be executed instead of A’s method. We say that method bar in B overrides the method of the same name defined in A.
(define Counter (CLASS extends Root ([field count 0] [field step 1]) ([method inc () (! count (+ (? count) (? step))) (? count)] [method dec () (! count (- (? count) (? step))) (? count)] [method reset () (! count 0)] [method step! (v) (! step v)] [method inc-by! (v) (→ self step! v) (→ self inc)]))) (define ReactiveCounter (CLASS extends Counter () ()))
> (define rc (new ReactiveCounter)) > (→ rc inc) hash-ref: no value found for key
key: 'count
6.3 Fields and Inheritance
['-create (obj class (make-hash (list (cons 'fname fval) ...)))]
6.3.1 Inheriting Fields
An object should have values for all the fields declared in any of its ancestors. Therefore, when we create a new class, we should determine all the fields that its instances will have. To do that, we have to extend classes such that they keep a list of all their fields, and are able to pass that information to any subclass.
(defmac (CLASS extends scls-expr ([field fname fval] ...) ([method mname (mparam ...) mbody ...] ...)) #:keywords field method extends #:captures self ? ! (let* ([scls scls-expr] [methods ....] [fields (append (scls '-all-fields) (list (cons 'fname fval) ...))]) (letrec ([class (λ (msg . args) (match msg ['-all-fields fields] ['-create (obj class (make-hash fields))] ....))]))))
Why are we suddenly using let*?
(define Root (λ (msg . args) (match msg ['-lookup (error "message not understood:" (first args))] ['-all-fields '()])))
Let us see if this works:
> (define rc (new ReactiveCounter)) > (→ rc inc) 1
> (→ rc inc-by! 10) 11
(define ReactiveCounter (CLASS extends Counter ([field predicate (λ (n) #f)] [field action (λ (n) #f)]) ([method register (p a) (! predicate p) (! action a)] [method react () (when ((? predicate) (? count)) ((? action) (? count)))])))
> (define rc (new ReactiveCounter)) > (→ rc register even? (λ (v) (printf "reacting to ~a~n" v))) > (→ rc react) reacting to 0
> (→ rc inc) 1
> (→ rc react) > (→ rc inc) 2
> (→ rc react) reacting to 2
6.3.2 Binding of Fields
Actually, there is still one more issue that we haven’t considered: what happens if a subclass defines a field with a name that already exists in one of its ancestors?
(define A (CLASS extends Root ([field x "A"]) ([method ax () (? x)]))) (define B (CLASS extends A ([field x "B"]) ([method bx () (? x)])))
> (define b (new B)) > (→ b ax) "B"
> (→ b bx) "B"
Is that what you expect? is it reasonable? What happens in Java? In JavaScript? In Python?
Let us see: an object is meant to encapsulate some (possibly mutable) state behind a proper procedural interface (methods). It is clear that late binding of methods is a desirable property, because methods are what makes an object’s external interface. What about fields? Fields are supposed to be hidden, internal state of the object—
Let us look at what happened with Delegation. How are fields handled there? Well, fields are just free variables of a function, so they are lexically scoped. This is a much more reasonable semantics for fields. When methods are defined in a class, they are defined in terms of the fields that are directly defined in that class, or one of its superclass. This makes sense, because all that is information known at the time one writes a class definition. Having late binding of fields means reintroducing dynamic scoping for all free variables of a method: an interesting source of errors and headaches! (Think of examples of subclasses mixing up their superclasses by accidentally introducing fields with existing names.)
Likewise, in languages that have visibility modifiers, are private methods late bound? Why (not)?
6.3.3 Field Shadowing
We now see how to define the semantics known as field shadowing, in which a field in a class shadows a field of the same name in a superclass, but a method always accesses a field as declared in the class or one of its ancestors.
Concretely, this means that an object can hold different values for fields of the same name; which one to use depends on the class in which the executing method is defined (this is know as the host class of the method). Because of this multiplicity, it is not possible to use a hash table anymore. Instead, we will keep in a class the list of the field names, and in the object, a vector of values, accessed by position. A field access will be done in two steps: first determining the position of the field according to the list of names, and then accessing the value in the vector held by the object.
For instance, for class A above, the list of names is '(x y) and the vector of values in a new instance of A is #(1 0). For class B, the list of names is '(x y x) and the vector of values in a new instance is #(1 0 1). The advantage of keeping the fields ordered this way is that, if not shadowed, a field is always at the same position within an object.
Defining find-last is left as an exercise to the reader
['-create (let ([values (list->vector (map cdr fields))]) (obj class values))]
(let* ([scls scls-expr] [fields (append (scls '-all-fields) (list (cons 'fname fval) ...))] [methods (local [(defmac (? fd) #:captures self (vector-ref (obj-values self) (find-last 'fd fields))) (defmac (! fd v) #:captures self (vector-set! (obj-values self) (find-last 'fd fields) v))] ....)]))
This implementation is not so satisfactory because we call find-last (expensive/linear) for each and every field access. Can this be avoided? How?
Let us see if all this works as expected:
(define A (CLASS extends Root ([field x "A"]) ([method ax () (? x)]))) (define B (CLASS extends A ([field x "B"]) ([method bx () (? x)])))
> (define b (new B)) > (→ b ax) "A"
> (→ b bx) "B"
6.4 Super Sends
When a method overrides a method in a superclass, it is sometimes useful to be able to invoke that definition. This allows many typical refinement patterns, such as adding something to do before or after a method is executed, like additional processing on its arguments and return values, among many others. This is achieved by doing what is called a super send.
Let us go back to our reactive counter example. We would like to actually make our counter reactive, in that it automatically reacts to each change in the counter value. We can do that by overriding inc in the ReactiveCounter subclass, and use a super send to reuse the original implementation.
The syntax of a super send is rather different from what you might be used to. For instance, in Java one writes super.m(), and here, (↑ m). The reason for this syntax will soon become clear.
(define ReactiveCounter (CLASS extends Counter ([field predicate (λ (n) #f)] [field action (λ (n) #f)]) ([method register (p a) (! predicate p) (! action a)] [method react () (when ((? predicate) (? count)) ((? action) (? count)))] [method inc () (let ([val (↑ inc)]) (→ self react) val)])))
> (define rc (new ReactiveCounter)) > (→ rc register even? (λ (v) (printf "reacting to ~a~n" v))) > (→ rc inc) 1
> (→ rc inc) reacting to 2
In Java, try returning super or passing super as an argument. What happens? Why?
(define A (CLASS extends Root () ([method m () "A"]))) (define B (CLASS extends A () ([method m () (string-append "B" (↑ m) "B")]))) (define C (CLASS extends B () ())) (define c (new C)) (→ c m)
Some dynamic languages, like Ruby, allow the class inheritance relation to be changed at runtime. This is also common in prototype-based languages, like Self and JavaScript.
(defmac (CLASS extends superclass ([field f init] ...) ([method m params body] ...)) #:keywords field method extends #:captures self ? ! ↑ (let* ([scls superclass] [fields (append (scls '-all-fields) (list (cons 'f init) ...))] [methods (local [(defmac (? fd) ....) (defmac (! fd v) ....) (defmac (↑ md . args) #:captures self ((scls '-lookup 'md) self . args))] ....)])))
(define A (CLASS extends Root () ([method m () "A"]))) (define B (CLASS extends A () ([method m () (string-append "B" (↑ m) "B")]))) (define C (CLASS extends B () ()))
> (define c (new C)) > (→ c m) "BAB"
6.5 Inheritance and Initialization
We have previously seen how to address object initialization (Initialization), by introducing special methods called initializers. Once an object is created, and before it is returned to the creator, its initializer is called.
In the presence of inheritance, the process is a bit more subtle, because if initializers override each other, some necessary initialization work can be missed. The work of an initializer can be quite specific, and we want to avoid subclasses to have to deal with all the details. One can simply assume the normal semantics of method dispatch, whereby initialize in a subclass can call the super initializer if needed. This is the approach adopted by Python: if one does not call super () .__init__ (...) the initializer of the superclass(es) will not execute. The problem with this freedom is that the initializer in the subclass may start doing things with the object when inherited fields are not yet consistently initialized, or simply skip the initialization defined in the superclasses.
To avoid this issue, in Java, the first thing a constructor must do is to call a super constructor (it may have to compute arguments for that call, but that’s all it is allowed to do). Even if the call is not in the source code, the compiler adds it. Actually, this restriction is also enforced at the VM level by the bytecode verifier: low-level bytecode surgery can therefore not be used to avoid the super constructor call.
However, this protocol does not ensure by itself that uninitialized fields are never accessed. Can you think of how such a problem can occur? Think about the possibility to call any method from a constructor.