Cinthia Sánchez

I am a PhD Candidate in Computing at the Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Chile. I am a Master in Computer Science (2021) and an Engineer in Computer Science (2016).

My research interests are related to Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Network Analysis.


Cinthia Sánchez, Minh Duc Chu, Zihao He, Rebecca Dorn, Stuart Murray, Kristina Lerman. Feelings about Bodies: Emotions on Diet and Fitness Forums Reveal Gendered Stereotypes and Body Image Concerns. Article under review.

Cinthia Sánchez, Andres Abeliuk, Barbara Poblete. Large Language Models in Crisis Informatics for Zero and Few-Shot Classification. Article under review.

Cinthia Sánchez, Hernan Sarmiento, Andres Abeliuk, Jorge Pérez, Barbara Poblete. Cross-Lingual and Cross-Domain Crisis Classification for Low-Resource Scenarios. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2023), 17(1), 754-765.

Cinthia Sánchez. 2021. Transfer Learning for the Multilingual and Multi-Domain Classification of Messages Relating to Crises. In Proceedings of the 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR '21), Doctoral Consortium.

Jhon Intriago, Fernando Moreira, Cinthia Sánchez, and Jessica Morales. 2017. Histogram of Oriented Gradients with Support Vector Machine, in the Classification of the Fingerprint Alphabet (in Spanish). ESPOL Technology Magazine, Vol. 30, N. 2, 102-109.



Apr - Jun 2024: PhD Student Intern. USC Information Sciences Institute, United States.

Mar 2023 - Present: Graduate Researcher, Project: Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. National Center for Artificial Intelligence, Chile.

Jun 2019 - Present: Graduate Researcher, Project: Development of Robust Information Structures. Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data, Chile.

Jul 2019 - Dec 2022: Research Assistant, FONDECYT 1191604, Chile. Project: Mining Real-World Crisis Events from Social Media Data using Domain-Independent and Multilingual Approaches.

Feb 2017 - Aug 2018: Science and Technology Analyst, Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Ecuador.

Jul 2014 - Jun 2016: Researcher, Agricultural Polytechnic University of Manabí, Ecuador. Project: Web application for the management of useful academic information for the students of the Computer Science department, ESPAM MFL (in Spanish).


2022 - Present: Instructor of Visualizations in Python, Postgraduate Diploma in Python applied to Data Science, Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Chile.

Aug 2023 - Jan 2024: Instructor of Data Mining, Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Chile.

2023 - 2024: Instructor of Technical Aspects of AI, Diploma in Law and Artificial Intelligence. Faculty of Law, University of Chile.

2022 - 2023: Teaching Assistant of Data Mining, Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science and Engineering, Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Chile.

Mar 2020 - Jul 2023: Teaching Assistant of Introduction to Data Mining, Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Chile.

Participation in Events

National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA) Seminar. Title: Large Language Models in Crisis Informatics. Chile. Mar 2024.

I Graduate Symposium on Science, Engineering and Innovation 2023. Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile. Poster presentation. Chile, Sep 2023.

Summer Institutes of Computational Social Science (SICSS) – Chile. Lecture and Workshop: Data Visualization. Chile. Jul 2023.

International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). Research paper presentation. Cyprus. Jun 2023.

National Center for Artificial Intelligence (CENIA) Workshop. Poster presentation. Chile, Apr 2023.

Latin American Meeting in Artificial Intelligence, Khipu. Poster presentation. Uruguay, Mar 2023.

I Chilean Social Network Conference, CHISOCNET. Oral presentation. Chile, Jan 2023.

IX Meeting of Women in Computing, ChileWiC. Poster presentation. Virtual, Oct 2021.

ACM SIGIR, Doctoral Consortium. Oral presentation. Virtual, Jul 2021.

Honor and Awards

Travel and accommodation scholarship, Khipu 2023: Latin American Meeting in AI.

Doctoral Scholarship 2022, Chilean National Research and Development Agency (ANID).

Doctoral Scholarship 2020-2022, Millennium Institute for Foundational Research on Data (IMFD).

Outstanding Teaching Assistant 2020, Department of Computer Science, University of Chile.

Scholarship to attend the XV Summer School IEEE Latin-American on Computational Intelligence (EVIC 2019) granted by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, held in Valdivia, Chile.

Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) Women of Color in Technology Scholarship for Complimentary Registration and travel grant awarded by the IMFD to attend the GHC 2019 held in Orlando, United States.

Scholarship for studying a master's program abroad under the "Convocatoria Abierta 2017" program supported by the National Government of the Republic of Ecuador.

First place in the IV National Contest of Recognition to Student University Research "National Awards 2016" in the area of Information and Communication Technology, Ecuador. Project: Recognition of the Ecuadorian sign language based on recurrent convolutional networks (in Spanish).

Extracurricular Roles

Scientific Committee of the Informática y Sistemas Journal (ISRTIC), Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador. 2022.

Scientific Advisor of the “Programa de Investigación e Innovación Escolar” of Explora Región Metropolitana Sur Poniente. June - November 2022. Chile.

Assistant at the X Meeting of Women in Computing (Chile-WiC 2022).

IEEE Student Branch Chair, University of Chile, 2021

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Chair, University of Chile, 2021.

Assistant at the IX Meeting of Women in Computing (Chile-WiC 2021).

Organizing Committee of the Cycle of virtual events of the Project "ENGINEER LIKE A GIRL" 2021, Latin American Alliance of IEEE WIE groups in Region 9.

Organizing Committee of the I Congress Women Power Week 2021, IEEE WIE groups of Chile.

Technical Committee of the INGELECTRA XXVIII Congress, 2020.

Singer in the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Choir, University of Chile, 2019 - present.