I. Personal Information

   NAME            :  Patricio N. Inostroza F.
   BIRTH DATE      :  July 25, 1966
   NATIONALITY     :  Chilean
   ADDRESS         :  Departamento  de  Ciencias  de   la
                      Computación, Universidad de  Chile,
                      Casilla 2777, Av. Blanco Encalada 2120,
                      Santiago, CHILE
   TELEPHONE       :  +56 (2) 689-2736
   FAX             :  +56 (2) 689-5531
   E-mail          :
   WWW             :

II. Studies

  o Licentiate in Engineering Sciences mention Computer Science.
    Universidad de Chile, 1992.

  o Engineer in Computer Science.  Universidad de Chile, 1994.

  o Second year of Ph.D. study in computer science. University
    Joseph Fourrier, France (1999).

III. Academic Experience and Participation in Research Projects

Academic Experience

  o Instructor of the courses Computación I, Computación II and
    Computer Graphics at the Universidad de Chile.

Experience and Participation in Research Projects

  o  Project AVIS: Audio & Video Individualized & Spatialized.
     April 97-April 2000. Ph.D. student. Project leader: Jacques
     Lemordant. Supported by French-Telecom

  o An   Environmental  Information   and   modeling  systems 
    (EIMS)   for sustainable development,  1995-1997.  Co-researcher.
    (Project  leader: Fernando Santiba~nez,  Victor Marín,
    María-Cecilia  Rivara; Supported  by IBM).

  o Generación y Modificación de mallas de tetraedros y objetos
    poliédricos, 1994-1996. (Generation and modification of
    tetrahedrons mesh) Co-Researcher.
    (Project leader: María-Cecilia Rivara).

  o Graphical F.E. system based on interactive and adaptive mesh
    generation. 1991-1993. Research  Assistant.
    (Project  leader: María-Cecilia Rivara).

IV. Professional Experience

  o Design and development of computational system for remote control
    of a video camera under ATM network. Silicomp, France, 1998.

  o Design and  development of  computational system for  counting
    votes  of Chilean President,  Senate and Parliament  election.
    Supported by  the Chilean Government.
    Project leader M.C. Rivara, 1993.

  o Design and development of a computational system for file
    conversion.  Aetna Chile, 1990.

  o Development of  computational system for scheduling workdays.
    Codelco Chile. January-February 1990.

  o Topography Assistant. Codelco Chile. October 1988-January 1989.

V. Publication Record

   o P. Inostroza, J. Lemordant, J.M. Trivi,
     Selection de sources et composition 3D temps réel. Coresa'98,
     Lannion, june 1998. pp.261-271

  o María-Cecilia  Rivara y  Patricio  Inostroza. Using Longest-side
    bisection  techniques for the automatic refinement of Delaunay
    triangulations. International Journal for  Numerical Methods in
    Engineering, 1996.

  o Inostroza, P. "Algoritmo Incremental de Delaunay con barrido en
    línea".  VI Encuentro de geometriá Computacional. Barcelona,
    España. F.Hurtado M.Nuy y J.Tria (editores), pp 222-224, 1995.

  o María-Cecilia Rivara y Patricio Inostroza. A discussion on mixed
    (longest-side midpoint insertion) Delaunay technique for
    triangulation problem. 4to Annual International Meshing Roundtable
    Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, 1995.

  o María-Cecilia Rivara y Patricio Inostroza. Modelos Matemáticos
    en  Ingeniería  Moderna. Cap. 7: Triangulaciones Irregulares
    y  Aplicaciones en  Ingeniería,  McGraw  Hill  Latinoamerica,
    1995  (to appear).

  o Inostroza, P. and Rivara M.C. "Triangulación interactiva de
    Polígonos".  II Congreso  Venezolano de  Métodos Numéricos en
    Ingeniería y  Ciencias Aplicadas.  Maracaibo, Venezuela,
    Noviembre, 1994.

  o Rivara,  M.C.  and  Inostroza, P. "Modelación  de  terrenos 
    mediante triangulaciones".  VII Simposio Internacional en 
    Aplicaciones  de Informatica:  INFONOR'94.  Antofagasta, Chile,
    Noviembre de 1994.

  o Inostroza, P.  "Ambiente experimental  para la generación  de
    mallas  en 2D. Memoria Ingeniero  Civil en Computación.
    Departamento de  Ciencias de la Computación, U. de Chile, 1994.

  o Rivara,  M.C. and Inostroza, P. "A comparison of algorithms for
    the triangulation refinement problem". Proceedings of the  XIII
    International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society,
    R. Baeza (Ed.), La Serena, Chile, 1993, pp.63-72.

  o Inostroza, P. y  Rivara, M.C., "Herramienta Gráfica Interactiva
    Para Generar Triangulaciones en 2D". Proceedings  of the
    International Congress on  Numerical Methods in Engineering  and
    Applied Sciences,  H.  Alder, J.C.  Heinrich, S.Lavanchy, 
    E.Oñate, B. Suarez  (Eds.).   CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, 1992,
    pp.  533-542.

VI. Other Relevant Information

  o Scholarship holder of Chili government.

  o Orator in training course of Unix System and Internet.

  o Invited speaker at Universidad Catolica de Norte, Chile April,

  o Invited speaker at Tercer Encuentro de Informatica y su Impacto
    en la Educación, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la
    Educación, Santiago, Chile.  November 1992.

  o Participation in the second  Multimedia Workshop with the work
    "Herramienta Gráfica para Deformación de Formas Libres",
    Santiago, Chile.  May 1992.

  o Scholarship holder for student exchange with Canada from the American
    Field Service,  AFS. This  organization  foments  the interaction
    with  other cultures.  August 1983 - July 1984.

  o Native language: Spanish

  o Other languages: I read and speak a good french, my write
    french is moderate. I can read and understand English well.

  o Programing Language: Java, C, C++, Lisp, SQL, ...

  o Operating System: Unix, Window, DOS.

  o Programing environment: PC, X11 (Xlib, Xview). 

  o My hobby: the photographic B/W.