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PLAY Interpreters

PLAY Interpreters

Éric Tanter

Interpreters from the book PLAI, in the #lang play language.

To install the #lang play language, use DrRacket v6.0 or newer, and go to File > Package Manager > specify play then click on Install

    1 Arithmetic Expressions

    2 Arithmetic Expressions with if0

    3 Identifiers and Substitution

    4 Functions with Substitution

    5 Functions with Environments

    6 Environment ADT

    7 First-Class Functions (Call-by-Value)

    8 First-Class Functions (Call-by-Name)

    9 First-Class Functions (Call-by-Need)

    10 Recursive Functions

    11 Recursive Functions (fix point)

    12 Procedural Representation of Environments

    13 Meta-Circular Interpreter

    14 Mutable Data Structures

    15 Variables and Call-by-Reference